OECD Looks to Muzzle FAANG

Pushes for greater corporate taxation of MNC’s may generate more for local economies but will big companies just roll over and show their bellies?   Source:https://www.ft.com/content/b16fd228-ea72-11e9-a240-3b065ef5fc55

Rising Tides

Carney outlines risks of global warming to big business   Source:https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/13/firms-ignoring-climate-crisis-bankrupt-mark-carney-bank-england-governor

Patient Zero?

Systemic Risk in the Fund Management World   Source:https://www.ft.com/content/b51a209e-f646-46e3-b123-0b1924f887b6?segmentId=bcf1a7c7-d110-2a62-057d-20cc3ec69baf#myft:notification:push

All You Can Eat

Fascinating to see such a large scale potential takeover action in a period of such great uncertainty   Source : https://www.ft.com/content/00935372-f4e9-11e9-b018-3ef8794b17c6

Sun, Sea and Deniability

When an industry enters a sunset period, who or what is to blame?   Source:https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/oct/23/ex-thomas-cook-boss-denies-responsibility-tour-firm-collapse-manny-fontenla-novoa

The Price of Fashion

Big moves being made in M&A despite ongoing market uncertainty   Source:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-26/lvmh-is-said-to-explore-takeover-of-tiffany-in-u-s-luxury-push

Heavy Lies The Crown

Does over-dependence on lone figures and massive asset holdings act as a canary in the coalmine for the industry or is it simply the prerogative of good business? Read more…