Thursday May 7 2015
News Source: Fund Regulation
Focus: AIFMD
Type: General
Country: Luxembourg
The CSSF have published Circular CSSF 15/612 which is applicable to Alternative Investment Funds Managers (AIFM) which are registered with the CSSF. The circular concerns information which must be provided to the CSSF from Luxembourg AIFMs where they start managing additional non-regulated AIFs (AIFs which have not been the subject of prior approval or prudential supervision by a supervisory authority) or third country AIFs (excluding EU).
In order for the CSSF to update their information, an AIFM must complete the form provided in the Annex of the Circular for each AIF they undertake to manage. The form can be downloaded from the following address:
Forms shall be sent to
Additionally, an AIFM shall also inform the CSSF as soon as they cease to manage an unregulated AIF or regulated AIF established in a third country.
Information must be submitted to the CSSF within 10 working days from the start date the AIFM concerned conducts management of the AIF. The 10 day period starts from the date of signature or effective date of the management contract designating the AIFM as manager of the additional AIF.
Click here for the Circular