The MFSA had issued supplementary conditions for PIFs setup as a Money Market Fund (MMF).

A PIF is not allowed to include, as part of its name, the term “money market fund” or similar unless it adheres with the MFSA’s supplementary conditions.

These rules are in accordance with ESMA’s guidelines on a common definition of European money market funds which lay down the specific requirements of the MMF’s:

  • Eligible assets;
  • Investment regulations;
  • Investment regulations;
  • Rules relating to the assessment of any investment in money market instruments.

Under these regulations, a MMF is a PIF which invests in money market financial instruments, offering returns in line with money market rates.

These regulations also distinguish between a Short-term MMF and a MMF.

Both short term MMFs and MMFs must comply with general guidelines and also have to comply with specific guidelines relating to their category.

Investment Rules

Below is a summary of the applicable investment and borrowing rules.

For full details, visit the Funds-Axis Rules Library.

Main investment objective being to be a MMFYY
Deposits must be with credit institutionsYY
Derivatives must only be used in line with money market investment strategyYY
Derivatives which give exposure to foreign exchange may only be used for hedging purposesYY
Investment in non-base currency securities is allowed provided the currency exposure is fully hedgedYY
Funds invested into must be other short term money market fundsY
Funds invested into must be other short term money market funds or other MMFY
Other Arrangements

Below is a summary of some of the other key features:

Valuation MethodConstant net asset value NAV) or variable NAVVariable NAV
Types of NAVMarking to market or amortised costMarking to market
Investor Dealings
- daily subscriptions and redemptions*
*unless marketed solely as an employee savings scheme