A: Funds-Axis Notes


B: Extract from SEC paper version of form
C: Question – Specific FAQs from SEC Form PF FAQs

Q. 13.2: Question 13(a) asks if the reporting fund has any outstanding derivatives positions. Question 13(b) instructs that, if you responded β€œyes” to Question 13(a), you provide the aggregate value of all derivatives positions of the reporting fund. I report similar information for qualifying hedge funds in Question 44. Should I also complete Question 13 for these qualifying hedge funds?

A. 13.2: No. You are not required to complete Question 13 for any reporting fund with respect to which you are answering Question 44 in Section 2b. If you answer Question 44 with respect to a reporting fund, you should leave each part of Question 13 blank. (Posted February 12, 2014)

D: Extracts from XML spec