A: Funds-Axis Notes

Q20 & Q27 should not have any empty fields, if no value is applicable, then Zero (0) has to be filled in.

Investment strategy must sum to 100.

The percentage of NAV is a required field and the % of capital is an optional field.

Any investment strategy’s not being used on the portfolio can be removed from the XML. Populating zeros and N/A’s will lead to errors in the XML upload.

If a field is blacked out lie in the description column above the field will not appear in the XML.

B: Extract from SEC paper version of form
C: Question – Specific FAQs from SEC Form PF FAQs

Q. 20.1: Question 20 requires that I indicate which investment strategies best describe the reporting fund’s strategies. For each strategy, I am required to provide a good faith estimate of the percentage of the reporting fund’s net asset value represented by that strategy. Instruction 15 states that, for Question 20, the numerator that I use to determine the percentage of net asset value must be measured on the same basis as gross asset value. In completing Question 20 for a reporting fund that has gross assets in excess of its net assets, should the total of my answers in the “% of NAV” column add up to more than 100%?

A. 20.1: Yes, the responses to the “% of NAV” column should generally add up to more than 100%. You should note that the requirement in Instruction 15 regarding the use of gross assets also applies to Questions 21, 25, 28, and 35. (Updated January 18, 2017)

D: Extracts from XML spec