A: Funds-Axis Notes

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B: Extract from SEC paper version of form
C: Question – Specific FAQs from SEC Form PF FAQs


D: Extracts from XML spec
Q27, Q28PFSection2aItemAHedgeFundAggregatedAssetsInvestmentPFSection2aItemAHedgeFundAggregatedAssetsInvestmentType01Section 2a - Item A - Q27, Q28 - Exposure of hedge fund assets
Q27ListedEquityMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Listed equity - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27ListedEquityMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Listed equity - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27ListedEquityMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Listed equity - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27CorporateBondsMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Corporate bonds (other than convertible bonds ) - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27CorporateBondsMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Corporate bonds (other than convertible bonds ) - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27CorporateBondsMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Corporate bonds (other than convertible bonds ) - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27ConvertibleBondsMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Convertible bonds - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27ConvertibleBondsMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Convertible bonds - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27ConvertibleBondsMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Convertible bonds - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27SovereignBondsUSTreasuryMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - U.S. treasury securities - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27SovereignBondsUSTreasuryMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - U.S. treasury securities - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27SovereignBondsUSTreasuryMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - U.S. treasury securities - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27SovereignBondsAgencySecuritiesMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Agency securities - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27SovereignBondsAgencySecuritiesMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Agency securities - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27SovereignBondsAgencySecuritiesMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Agency securities - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27SovereignBondsGSEBondsMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - GSE bonds - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27SovereignBondsGSEBondsMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - GSE bonds - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27SovereignBondsGSEBondsMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - GSE bonds - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27SovereignBondsNonUSG10CountriesMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Sovereign bonds issued by G10 countries other than the U.S - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27SovereignBondsNonUSG10CountriesMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Sovereign bonds issued by G10 countries other than the U.S - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27SovereignBondsNonUSG10CountriesMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Sovereign bonds issued by G10 countries other than the U.S - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27SovereignBondsOtherMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Other sovereign bonds (including supranational bonds) - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27SovereignBondsOtherMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Other sovereign bonds (including supranational bonds) - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27SovereignBondsOtherMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Other sovereign bonds (including supranational bonds) - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27MunicipalBondsUSStateLocalMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - U.S. state and local bonds - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27MunicipalBondsUSStateLocalMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - U.S. state and local bonds - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27MunicipalBondsUSStateLocalMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - U.S. state and local bonds - value of turnover during the 3rd Month
Q27FuturesMonth1UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Futures - value of turnover during the 1st Month
Q27FuturesMonth2UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Futures - value of turnover during the 2nd Month
Q27FuturesMonth3UnsignedLongRestricted15TypeSection 2a - Item A - Exposure of hedge fund assets Q27 - Futures - value of turnover during the 3rd Month