A: Funds-Axis Notes


B: Extract from SEC paper version of form
C: Question – Specific FAQs from SEC Form PF FAQs


D: Extracts from XML spec
Q55PFSection3ItemBLiquidityAssetsPFSection3ItemBLiquidityAssetsType0unboundedSection 3 - Item B - Q55 - Liquidity Assets
55(a)NAVMonth1AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(a) Net asset value of reporting fund - 1st Month
55(a)NAVMonth2AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(a) Net asset value of reporting fund - 2nd Month
55(a)NAVMonth3AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(a) Net asset value of reporting fund - 3rd Month
55(b)NAVPerShareMonth1AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(b) Net asset value per share of reporting fund - 1st Month
55(b)NAVPerShareMonth2AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(b) Net asset value per share of reporting fund - 2nd Month
55(b)NAVPerShareMonth3AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(b) Net asset value per share of reporting fund - 3rd Month
55(c)NAVPerShareMarketBasedMonth1AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(c) Market-based net asset value per share of reporting fund - 1st Month
55(c)NAVPerShareMarketBasedMonth2AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(c) Market-based net asset value per share of reporting fund - 2nd Month
55(c)NAVPerShareMarketBasedMonth3AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(c) Market-based net asset value per share of reporting fund - 3rd Month
55(d)WAMMonth1AmountUnsignedDecimalRestricted15p2Type1155(d) WAM of reporting fund - 1st Month
55(d)WAMMonth2AmountUnsignedDecimalRestricted15p2Type1155(d) WAM of reporting fund - 2nd Month
55(d)WAMMonth3AmountUnsignedDecimalRestricted15p2Type1155(d) WAM of reporting fund - 3rd Month
55(e)WALMonth1AmountUnsignedDecimalRestricted15p2Type1155(e) WAL of reporting fund - 1st Month
55(e)WALMonth2AmountUnsignedDecimalRestricted15p2Type1155(e) WAL of reporting fund - 2nd Month
55(e)WALMonth3AmountUnsignedDecimalRestricted15p2Type1155(e) WAL of reporting fund - 3rd Month
55(f)SevenDayGrossYieldMonth1AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(f) 7-day gross yield of reporting fund - 1st Month
55(f)SevenDayGrossYieldMonth2AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(f) 7-day gross yield of reporting fund - 2nd Month
55(f)SevenDayGrossYieldMonth3AmountDecimalRestricted15p4Type1155(f) 7-day gross yield of reporting fund - 3rd Month
55(g)AssetsDailyLiquidMonth1AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(g) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that are daily liquid assets - 1st Month
55(g)AssetsDailyLiquidMonth2AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(g) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that are daily liquid assets - 2nd Month
55(g)AssetsDailyLiquidMonth3AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(g) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that are daily liquid assets - 3rd Month
55(h)AssetsWeeklyLiquidMonth1AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(h) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that are weekly liquid assets - 1st Month
55(h)AssetsWeeklyLiquidMonth2AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(h) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that are weekly liquid assets - 2nd Month
55(h)AssetsWeeklyLiquidMonth3AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(h) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that are weekly liquid assets - 3rd Month
55(i)AssetsMaturityGreater397DaysMonth1AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(i) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that have a maturity greater than 397 days - 1st Month
55(i)AssetsMaturityGreater397DaysMonth2AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(i) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that have a maturity greater than 397 days - 2nd Month
55(i)AssetsMaturityGreater397DaysMonth3AmountLongRestricted15Type1155(i) Dollar amount of the reporting fund's assets that have a maturity greater than 397 days - 3rd Month