A: Funds-Axis Notes


B: Extract from SEC paper version of form
C: Question – Specific FAQs from SEC Form PF FAQs

Q. 76.1: Questions 76 and 77 reject certain NAICS codes I attempt to use. What NAICS code should I use when this occurs?

A. 76.1: The list of NAICS codes available as valid responses on Form PF is a subset of the complete list of NAICS codes reported to the Internal Revenue Service. When the PFRD system rejects or does not list the specific NAICS code most applicable to a particular portfolio company, Form PF filers should use the “parent” or more general level NAICS code. For example, if a portfolio company has a specific NAICS code of 221113, you should categorize that portfolio company under the more general NAICS code of 221100. Form PF web form filers can use the drop down menu imbedded within the online form to identify the correct NAICS code to use. Form PF XML filers can view the list of acceptable NAICS codes within the Form PF Schema Documentation located at http://www.iard.com/pfrd/usersupport.asp (currently located on page 202 of the schema). (Posted April 25, 2013)

D: Extracts from XML spec