Down To The Wire

“Its always in the last place you look”, “it’s probably where you left it”, “check down the back of the sofa” These are statements that are usually helpful when we…

Burgers & Acquisitions

It’s a little-known fact that in Chinese the phrasing used for the word crisis or danger also means the same as the word opportunity. Its been announced that JustEat the…

There Will Be Blood

With Oil prices hitting record lows and global industry grinding to a halt in the wake of Covid some major energy firms are feeling the pinch. At time of writing,…


It is said that in certain conditions some smaller planes can be flying inverted without the pilot noticing, known as spatial disorientation. Emphasising the importance of checking instruments. On the…

Check Engine

Late last week S&P downgraded Rolls Royce from investment grade to junk, citing “prolonged weak profitability”. The perceived risk of investing and dealing with the company at the contract level…

Unicorns, Gods and Kings

It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension…

Born in The USA

First the facts, unemployment claims in the USA have now just hit 36M total as Covid-19 related lockdowns and restrictions rumble on. This is an increase of 3M on the…