Latest Past Events

CISI Ireland: Understanding the new pension landscape

Live Webcast

CISI Ireland invite you to join this upcoming webinar.   Part 1 With the new Auto Enrolment pension scheme due to be rolled on in 2024 this session will cover off the latest developments and consider what employers need to think about to ensure that they are compliant with the requirements of the new scheme.…

UAE SCA Approved – Carbon and Your Portfolio: Strategies to Navigate Global Decarbonisation

Live Webcast

The global shift towards a lower carbon world presents both threats and opportunities. Companies and portfolios with high exposure to carbon emittance face reputation and transition risk. At the same time, the technologies and companies unlocking decarbonisation present potential growth opportunities. This webinar will cover ways to reduce the carbon intensity of your portfolio, reducing…

Fostering pension investments in infrastructure and alternative assets

Live Webcast

KEPFIC (Kenya Pension Funds Investment Consortium), FMA (Fund Managers’ Association) & CISI (Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment) warmly invite you to the upcoming Wealth Management CPD webinar where our guests speakers, Ngatia Kirungie and Ewart Salins will be discussing the manner in which the Investment sector can promote pension investments in infrastructure and alternative assets aimed at achieving diversification and higher…