HighWire Test Portfolios

There are 2 different concepts:

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    Test portfolios – where clients can upload and test whatever date they wish.
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    Sandbox portfolios – Funds-Axis maintained sandbox portfolios specific case studies and documented results.

Here we consider Test Portfolios.

Test portfolios can easily be set up and used.

Every environment is set up with a standard set of test portfolios for the “Ceres_Group”. This standard set-up is summarised in the Appendix.

These are already set-up. However the files for creating these / amending these or adding additional portfolios can be found here:

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Key Steps:
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    Set up the user –
    – It may be preferable to use an email alias that just has access to these Portfolios, separated from BAU activity
    – The User should not be given more permission that set out in the client license or otherwise agreed.
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    Apply the User to the “Ceres_All” User Group.
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    Apply the required Rule Groups and Rules to the relevant portfolios.
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    Upload Holdings and NAVs which utilises the Portfolio Codes below and with the required dates, along with any required securities and issuers files and exchange rates (see below).
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    Process the Calculations for the relevant portfolios and dates.
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    Process the Rules for the relevant portfolios and dates.
Holdings and NAV files

Clients can create their own holdings and NAV files to upload against these Test Portfolios. Two easy approaches are:

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    Use your current holdings and NAV file templates but create new portfolios with the Ceres test Portfolio codes. Note: these will need to be subjected to any standard ETL automation and upload processes that the client standard Holdings and NAV files are subjected to.
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    Use the Funds-Axis standard templates for holdings and NAV upload:
    – HW_Holdings
    – HW_NAV
Fx rates files

An FX rates file will be required for any days on which test holdings data is uploaded.

New securities

If the securities in the Test Portfolios are already in the system, then no new security and issuers will be required. If there are new securities and issuers, then these will need to be requested and added to the security and issuer file and then uploaded for the relevant dates.


There is no additional cost for the use of ad-hoc test portfolios.

This is subject to a fair usage policy.

If data is being uploaded daily and calculations and rules being processed daily, then these will become chargeable.

Any additional data costs will also be chargeable.


The Ceres Test Portfolios are set-up as follows:

User GroupCeres_All
Portfolio Permission GroupCeres_All
Legal EntityCeres_Sicav
Data BatchCeres_Databatch
Rules Processing BatchCeres_Rulesbatch

\ To upload organisation and portfolios, use the files
- Ceres_Organisation
- Ceres_Portfolios

\ No holdings, Navs, Shareclass prices etc are uploaded as standard.

\ Shareclasses are not needed for investment compliance, leverage, etc.

\ No rules / rules batches are applied as standard.