Trades File Field Required
  • Portfolio Code – needs to match the scheme code from the Scheme Master
  • Trade Date
  • Transaction Type – buy/ sell / cancel etc.
  • Units
  • Instrument currency
  • Unit Price Trade
  • Gross consideration local – should be the same as units * unit price
  • Gross Consideration Base – the book cost base of the trade
  • Currency Code Base – scheme currency code
  • Stock Codes – Needs to be an instrument security code in FundWare e.g. sedol / isin
  • Broker Code -code for the broker used
  • Transaction Status
  • Trade venue
  • Clearing venue – Needs to be one of clearing venue entities set up in the Company Master
  • Settlement Date

Regarding the trades file, could you please send across either a full set of trades for the period or else a summary that you want to appear in the Annex IV report.