1. Holding File
The holding file should ideally contain the following details.
- Asset type / category β if there is an asset type / classification available please include this within the file. More than one category / sub-category can be provided.
- Fund code
- Fund name
- Instrument Identifiers (one or more – e.g. sedol or ISIN or RIC. For OTCs and cash provide a unique internal identifier)
- Quantity*
- Book cost local
- Book cost base
- Market value local
- Market value base
- Price local
- Counterparty
- Currency code (ISO 3 digit)
- Asset type
- FFX second leg currency code
*Note: where only Disclosures monitoring is required, then only the fields marked with an asterisk are strictly required. See further details in Part C.
For unlisted securities; as these would require a manual set-up; then please also provide:
- Security Description
- Issuer
- Country Code
- Exchange Name
- Exchange Symbol
- Agency
- Agency Ratings
- Sector
For derivatives, unless standard Tickers are being used, then please also provide:
- Underlying identifier
- Multiplier / Contract size
- Strike
- Delta
- Exchange code β if available β for exchange traded derivatives
Where standard tickers are used, then we will not require the above derivatives data. See Appendix.
- If any data element cannot be provided, then please nevertheless provide a column heading for the data element.
- For bonds, we suggest dirty price and values.
- Delta is required for some instrument such as options, swaptions and warrants. If Delta cannot be provided on this file, it can be provide on a separate file containing:
i. Instrument identifier (consistent with the Holding file)
ii. Delta
- These holdings files should include all the holdings of the scheme, including any cash, deposits, derivatives, Forward FX, margin, collateral etc. Ideally this should be consolidated into a single worksheet.
- Forward FX should enable us to see both legs of the forward fx β either on one line or two
- Counterparty should be captured against cash, deposits, margin, collateral, OTC derivatives. Ideally this should be a short counterparty code. A longer counterparty description can also be provided.
- Additional columns can be added – e.g. add multiple instrument identifiers.
2. NAV File
The NAV file is a simple file containing the official NAV of the fund. The following columns are required:
- Fund Code (same as above fund code
- NAV β this should be the official NAV value of the fund
- Date (ideally ddmmyyyy format)
3. Currency Rates File
The Currency rates file is a simple file containing the currency rates that were used in the fund valuation. The following columns are required:
- Scheme Base currency
- Foreign Currency
- Currency rate (to convert foreign currency to scheme base currency)
4. Liquidity Monitoring
To enable basic liquidity monitoring, we request that clients provide a file with the following details:
- Fund Code (same as above fund code)
- Subscriptions in last month (this should be a value in the base currency of the fund)
- Redemptions in last month (this should be a value in the base currency of the fund)