Please reupload all holdings files for the quarter-end and confirm that there are no invalid records. Details of any invalids in any of your upload files for the reporting date (not just your holdings) must be provided to a Manager for confirmation and sign-off before you can mark this check as complete.
For normal BAU clients, if the last business day of the quarter happens to NOT be the last day of the month, so for example the last day of the month falls on a weekend, then you can reupload the holdings files for the last business date.
You do not need to rename the worksheet and workbook name of any holding file and reupload for the month end date in this scenario, as the data will automatically pull forward from the last business day.
For non-BAU clients upload the holdings file for the last day of the month.
*Procedure for CP_Proxy Files β IMPORTANT*
Once you have processed your results for the quarter-end, you must then reupload your CP_Proxy files (both holdings and offsets) β this need edited so that the reporting funds have a value of 0.0001 uploaded against each record. If not, they will pull through to the AIF reports as AIFMD Article 3 AUM on which the calculations are based. The AIFMD Article 3 AUM does not permit the netting of longs and shorts, so they will be shown in the holdings section of the reports and will also contribute to the overall AUM calculation, which is incorrect. See below example on how to do this.
Once uploaded, please refresh portfolio exposures for the quarter-end and confirm that in the Article 3 exposure report, the CP proxy lines are not impacting exposure:
Please also run the AIFMD holding export report and confirm that the CP Proxy lines:
- Show as 0 for percentage of assets
- Show as 0 for Absolute AIF Exposure in Scheme Currency and AIFMD Currency
- Are classed as Other Cash and Cash Equivalents (SEC_CSH_OTHC) for AIFMD sub asset type