Common Error Messages
HighWire ErrorProblemResolution Action Required
Scheme is not available in the masterThe scheme specified in this file is not set up in the scheme master.

Pathway: Business Admin > Organisational Setup > Schemes 
Check that the fund code is correctly populatedd in the file; potential data quality issues arising.

If it is a genuine, new scheme - Set up the new scheme in the scheme master.

There is a separate setup documentation around new scheme setup.
Counterparty is not available in the masterThe counterparty specified in this file is not captured in the company master Check that the counterparty is setup in the Company master. If not, please setup. (Ensuring "Entity Type" is selected to be "Both")

If counterparty is present in the Company Master - Check that the short name is correct, and that "Entity Type" of "Both" has been selected. (To allow the company to be recognised as an acceptable counterparty) 
Failed (Incorrect syntax near (.at Line No. 10)Formatting Issue: the date is not in the UK format which HighWire has been set to recogniseCheck date format should be dd/mm/yyyy not using the American format.

If formatting is not resolving this issue, it may need to be escalated to level 1&2 support
Failed (The conversion of a varchar data type to a smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. At Line No. 231)Formatting Issue: the date is not in the UK format which HighWire has been set to recogniseCheck date format should be dd/mm/yyyy not using the American format
Failed (Error converting data type varchar to float. At Line No. 1)Content on the lower part of the file not in a format which is compatible with HighWire / data mapping setupDelete any information after the last row of data within the Excel to remove any additional unrequired content.

Ensure no merged cells are present in the Excel. 
No cashflow is defined or matching with the transactionCashflow activity/ transaction not populated in the cashflow grouping in HighWire.

Can be blank, or populated in the Excel - but not setup in HighWire. 
If the Excel has a blank field (i.e. not categorised), then manually populate or change cash flow type in the Excel. (Must be populated with a cashflow grouping which is already in HighWire).

If populated in the Excel; the cashflow activity/ transaction needs to be added to the cashflow grouping in HighWire. 
Failed (String or binary data would be truncated. At Line No.1)Data character length issue: Text has too many characters in 1 cell - unable to upload in HighWire. Reduce amount of characters in a column. No more than 100 characters, go to use FX LEN - formula to check character length. (This process is detailed in the file upload procedure.)
Transaction Type is not available in the fileNo transaction type is populated in the fileIf the Excel has a blank field (i.e. not categorised) then manually populate the transaction type in the Excel. (Must be populated with a cashflow grouping which is already in HighWire).
Transaction ID is not available in the fileEvery cashflow requires an ID but this is not available for certain rows. Identify which field in the cahflow Excel maps into the transaction ID field in HighWire.

(This can be viewed via the file specific data-mapping)

Locate blank fields in upload Excel

Consider if they should be populated 

Expected Exceptions: - If open and close balances are the same (no movement; cash flow amount = zero)

Not: if there is movement; this should be uploaded into HighWire; a dummy transaction ID can be used.