Highwire FieldsMandatory/OptionalNotes
Portfolio codeMPortfolio code (as per the Portfolio Master multi short name)
CurrencyMThe local currency of the cashflow (in 3-digit ISO fomat)
Cashflow transaction ID*MA unique id for the cashflow
Cashflow trade dateOThe transaction date for the cashflow, if left blank then date is taken from file name. Rules run based on trade date.
Cashflow settlement date**MThe settlement / payment date of the cashflow
Cashflow typeMCashflow Type (which gets recorded in the Cash Flow Groups)
Cashflow Transaction description 1ODescription
Cashflow Transaction description 2OProduct Type, Account Type etc
Cashflow Transaction description 3***OA concatenation of Currency, Trade ID, ISIN
BankMThis is the Prime broker or Bank that the cashflow files ae coming from. If this is not in the file, it can be added to the file by the automations team or brought in though a default column. It needs to be entity in company master, see next slide.
Counterparty CodeMThis is the counterparty / payee to the cashflow – e.g. who the payment is being made to, if identified in the file. This needs to be an entity in the Company master.
Cashflow amountM*This is the local amount of the cash flow. Typically we will use gross / principal amounts before commission, rather than net amounts
Cashflow amount base currencyM*
This is the amount of the cash flow converted to the base currency of the fund. Typically we will use gross / principal amounts before commission, rather than net amounts
Cashflow FX Rate (if required)OThis is the conversion rate to convert local currency to base currency