Data Requirements

Data Requirements differ by Module.

Ideally, all data should be transferred in our specified formats, including file contents, headers, naming conventions etc. This will then enable auto-upload without further intervention.

For details on file requirements and formats, click here.


  • Our Automations team can support you in transforming your data into the correct format;
  • Security reference data – To minimise the data required from clients, Funds-Axis makes available security market data and pricing data. Where clients wish to provide their own, we can provide the specifications for that, including default templates for ICE, Bloomberg and Reuters.
  • Holdings files / Administrator data – We have a wide range of existing relationships with a variety of Administrators; allowing us to leverage off present integrations, as well as bringing in data with minimal client involvement. For a list of data integrations, click here.
File Delivery

Ideally, all data should be transferred by sFTP to your sfTP folder location. Manual upload is also possible.

File Formats

Please follow the following standards:

  • CSV or Excel
  • File name to include the date in ddmmyy format (e.g. ClientX_Cashflow240218)
  • Worksheet name to be the same as the file name (this is automatic if the file is csv)
  • Header row is required
  • No sub-totals, unnecessary line spaces, non-standard characters etc.
  • All values should be in number format.