Group, Manager, Entity, Portfolio and Shareclass static data needs to be provided once. Thereafter, it can be maintained up to date within the system.

The data required differs significantly dependent upon your Module requirements.

Whilst all data is maintained in a single repository, for ease, we provide different templates dependent upon Module.

Where you subscribe for multiple modules, please discuss with your service contact.

ModuleFile RequirementsFile Types
Investment compliance, Shareholder Disclosures, Liquidity, Risk and Cashflow Monitoring

Basic data only is required.

Click here for other data requirements for Module.
Manager file
Legal Entity file
Portfolio file
NAV oversight

Basic data only is required except that Shareclass data is also required.

Click here for other data requirements for Module.
Shareclass file

Note basic data only is required and this is supplemented with defaults that can then edited in the system if need be.

Click here for other data requirements for Module.


Click here for other data requirements for Module.

Click here for other data requirements for Module.
Group file
Manager file
Legal Entity file
Portfolio file
Shareclass file

Click here for other data requirements for Module.
Group file
Manager file
Legal Entity file
Portfolio file
Shareclass file

Click here for other data requirements for Module.
Group file
Manager file
Legal Entity file
Portfolio file
Shareclass file

Click here for other data requirements for Module.
Please provide your current EMT file*Please provide your current EMT file*

Click here for other data requirements for Module.
Please provide your current EPT file*Please provide your current EPT file*

*For EPT/EMT, please provide your existing EPT/EMT. We will then auto-upload all the relevant static data. Thereafter, the calculated fields can be uploaded as results, or the full calculations performed by Funds-Axis (see links for other file requirements).