Reuters vs FundWare Mapping

Below is an overview of the Thomson Reuters data file received vs. FundWare mapping.

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Thomson Reuters fieldFunds-Axis Security File
(Reuters Security file)
Funds-Axis Issuers File
(Reuters Issuer file)
Sedol&&Issuer NameName
SEDOLExchange Symbol
SEDOLShort Name
ISINShort Name
TickerShort Name
CIN Code
Trading Symbol
Security Long DescriptionName
Series DescriptionName
Currency CodeCurrency
Currency Code Description
Issue Date
Final Redemption Date
Issue PermID
Issuer OrgIDCompanyCompany Short Name
Issuer PermID
Quote PermID
Asset SubType
Asset SubType DescriptionAsset Type
Asset Type
Asset Type Description
Government Bond Type Code
Government Bond Type Code Description
Convertible Flag
CFI Code
Country of IncorporationCountry of Incorporation
Country of Incorporation Description
Jurisdiction of Incorporation
Country of Issuance
Country of Issuance Description
DomicileCompany Domicile
Domicile Description
Market Segment Name
Market MICExchange
Exchange section code
Exchange Code
Primary Execution VenueExchange
Primary Quotation Exchange CountryCountry of Registration
Primary Quotation Exchange Country CodeCountry of Economic Exposure
Primary Trading RIC
Exercise Style
Expiration Date
Issuer NameCompany Name
Method of Delivery
Maturity Date
Put Call Indicator
Close Price
Strike PriceStrike Price
Econometric Corp Modified Duration
EOM Worst Corp Modified Duration
Maturity Corp Modified Duration
Worst Corp Modified Duration
Standard & Poors Long Term Issue Rating - Current
GICS Industry Code
GICS Industry Code Description
Thomson Reuters Classification Scheme
Thomson Reuters Classification Scheme Description
TRBC Business Sector Code
TRBC Business Sector Code Description
TRBC Economic Sector Code
TRBC Economic Sector Code Description
TRBC Industry Code
TRBC Industry Code Description
TRBC Industry Group Code
TRBC Industry Group Code Description
Underlying RIC
Underlying SEDOL
Underlying ISINUnderlying Identifier
Underlying Asset
Underlying Exchange Code
Asset Ratio Against
Asset Ratio For
Voting Rights Date
Voting Rights Description
Voting Rights Per ShareVoting Rights Per Share
Instrument Issued Shares
Shares Amount**Voting Rights Per ShareVoting Right Share
Shares AmountIssued Capital
Shares AmountNon Voting Right Shares
Shares Amount Type
Shares Amount Type Description
Total Amount Outstanding
Total Shares - DefaultCapital
Total Shares - Default - Effective Date
Total Shares - Issued
Total Shares - Issued - Effective Date
Total Shares - Listed
Total Shares - Listed - Effective Date
Total Shares - Outstanding
Total Shares - Outstanding - Effective Date
Total Shares - Treasury
Total Shares - Treasury - Effective Date
Total Shares - Unlisted
Total Shares - Unlisted - Effective Date
Total Shares - Update Date
Total Voting Rights - Default
Total Voting Rights - Default - Effective Date
Total Voting Rights - IssuedVoting Right Shares
Total Voting Rights - Issued - Effective Date
Total Voting Rights - Listed
Total Voting Rights - Listed - Effective Date
Total Voting Rights - Outstanding
Total Voting Rights - Outstanding - Effective Date
Total Voting Rights - Treasury
Total Voting Rights - Treasury - Effective Date
Total Voting Rights - Update Date
Total Voting Shares - Default
Total Voting Shares - Issued
Total Voting Shares - Listed
Total Voting Shares - Outstanding
Total Voting Shares - Treasury
Fund Shares Outstanding Date
Fund Shares Outstanding
Fund Asset Value