Security File:
  • Asset description – long
  • UL / Identifier
  • ISIN
  • Sedol
  • Asset category
  • Asset sub category
  • Country of exposure code
  • Country of exposure name
  • Issuer code
  • Issuer Name
  • Agency Rating
  • Agency
  • Maturity date
  • Issue date – income
  • Local currency code
  • Sector Short Name
  • Sector
  • Sector Group Short Name
  • Group Sector
  • Exchange Short Name
  • Exchange Name
  • Exchange section code
  • Exchange Section
  • Voting Rights Indicator code
  • Voting Rights Indicator
  • Votes per share
  • Shares outstanding – total
  • Issued Capital
  • Instrument Voting Shares
  • Instrument Non-Voting Shares
  • Instrument Debt in issue
Company File:
  • Country of incorp code
  • Country of incorp name
  • Issuer code
  • Issuer Name
  • Issuer – parent code
  • Issuer – parent name
  • Agency
  • Agency Rating
  • Sector Short Name
  • Sector
  • Sector Group Short Name
  • Group Sector
  • Market cap – currency code
  • Market capitalization
  • Issuer total debt in issuance
  • Issuer Capital
  • Issuer Total Voting Shares
  • Issuer Total Non-Voting Shares
  • Issuer Duration Adjusted Debt Value
Liquidity File:
  • UL / Identifier
  • ISIN
  • Average daily transaction value
  • Average daily trading volume