Data Quality Management
DQM General

The DQM General dashboards provide users with an overview of data quality across multiple data tables that would be deemed static in nature and central to the functionality of our software.

In addition to a Data Quality Overview dashboard, dedicated dashboards are currently available for the following areas in this section:

  • Asset Types
  • Exchange Codes
  • Government Issuers
  • Issuers
  • Issuer Groups
  • Issuer Groups Details
  • Underlying Asset Class
  • Country of Exposure
  • Cash and Deposits Eligible Institutions

Our General data quality checklist can be found by clicking here.

DQM Derivatives

Our DQM Derivatives dashboards allow our users to quality check their derivative setup to ensure that derivative contracts are correct and that the correct exposure values are calculated.

In addition to a Derivative Data Quality Overview dashboard, dedicated dashboards are currently available for the following areas in this section:

  • Derivative Multipliers
  • Currency Futures
  • Derivative Deltas
  • Derivative Underlying Prices
  • Derivatives Other
  • Counterparties

The Derivatives Checklist can be found by clicking here.


The DQM AIFMD dashboards provide users with the means to quality check all data relating to AIFMD Annex IV reporting. This gives our users a great starting point in preparing for Annex IV reporting, allowing them to identify and then resolve any existing data issues as early as possible.

In addition to an AIFMD Data Quality Summary dashboard, dedicated dashboards are currently available for the following areas in this section:

  • AIFMD Countries
  • AIFMD Countries – Consistency
  • AIFMD Instrument Sub-types
  • AIFMD Market Codes
  • AIFMD Security Data Setup
  • AIFMD NAV Adjustment
  • ECB Exchange Rates

The AIFMD checklist can be found by clicking here.

DQM FCA Derivative Use

The DQM FCA Derivative Use dashboard provides an overview of data quality issues that may impact the output of FCA Derivative Use reports.

There is only one overview dashboard available in this section.

The FCA Derivative Use checklist can be found by clicking here.

DQM Product Governance

The DQM Product Governance dashboards provide users with the means to carry out governance across multiple tables to ensure the accuracy of data.

Our Product Governance checklist can be found by clicking here.


The DQM SEC dashboards provide users with the means to quality check all data relating to SEC regulations.

Our SEC checklist can be found by clicking here.


The DQM 13F dashboards provide users with the means to quality check all data relating to 13F reporting.

Our 13F checklist can be found by clicking here.

DQM SEC Liquidity

The DQM SEC Liquidity dashboards provide users with the means to quality check all data relating to SEC Liquidity monitoring.

Our SEC Liquidity checklist can be found by clicking here.


The DQM Form PF dashboards provide users with the means to quality check all data relating to Form PF.

Our Form PF checklist can be found by clicking here.

DQM Custody

The DQM Custody dashboards provide users with the means to quality check all data relating to Custody.

Our Custody checklist can be found by clicking here.

DQM Shareholder Disclosures

In addition, there are a range of DQ checks that are particular to Shareholder Disclosures. These includes checks on:

  • File upload for Takeovers file and other Disclosures specific data
  • Country checks
  • Checks on denominators – issued capital, Voting rights etc.
  • Checks on asset set up, including for indirect assets
  • Check TR1 classifications so TR1 forms populate correctly

Click here for a summary of all these checks, the relevant dashboards for each and links to relevant procedures.


The DQM EU MMF dashboards provide users with the means to quality check all data relating to EU Money Market Fund regulation.

Our EU MMF checklist can be found by clicking here.