Overview of Exposure Calculations

Below is a summary of the different exposure calculations. For a practical guide to these different calculations, and for Funds-Axis proposals for change, click here.

AIFMD AUM Calculation - Article 3*AIFMD Gross ExposureAIFMD Commitment ExposureUCITS Global Exposure using Commitment ApproachUCITS Notional Exposure
Calculation levelPortfolioPortfolioPortfolioDerivatives and exposures from EPM Techniques. **Derivatives
Delta AdjustmentYesYesYesYesNo
Netting / hedgingNoNoYesYesNo
Currency hedging (e.g. FFX)NoNoYesYesNo
Risk free assetsNoYesNo, but long derivative exposure can be offset by "cash and cash equivalents"No, but derivative exposure can be offset by "risk free assets"No

* For AUM, you do not include investment in group CIS
**In practice, regard needs to be had to the entirety of the portfolio.