Factsheets - Data Requirements

For Factsheets, data can come directly from Highwire.

Data can also be fed directly, using the below templates.

The templates required will depend on the content required for the Factsheet.


  • line
    Files should be sent to your client sFTP location.
  • line
    Files should be named as below.
  • line
    Data needs to be provided in exactly the formats provided.
Facstsheets_StaticUsed for any factsheet static data, e.g. disclaimers, colour schems etc.
Factsheet_Client_StaticStatic data on:

Holdings Information - Raw
Factsheet_ Holdings_Detail

Available where Funds-Axis are providing our investment compliance and risk solutions.

Otherwise, additional fees apply.
Provided as a consolidated file rather than the below files.

Funds-Axis will provide the enrichment in respect of assetgroups, sector, market capitalization, top 10 etc

Factsheet_Holdings_ShortThis is a summary of holdings file, including details as relevant
in respect of assetgroups, sector, market capitalization, top 10 etc.

Alternate – Holdings Information for Upload
Portfolios_Holdings_Top10The Top 10 holdings
Portfolios_Holdings_CountryGeographic split by country or region
Portfolios_Holdings_MarketCapMarket Capitalisation Split
Facstsheet_Holdings_AssetGroupAsset Group Split
Portfolios_Holdings_SectorIndustry Sector Split
Performance Information

Additional charges apply
This is a raw prices for use where you require Funds-Axis to calculate the relevant performance numbers.

Click here for information on “Statistics Available”

Portfolios_PerformanceUse for performance, gross and net returns etc.