Funds-Axis provide FCA Derivative Use Reporting.

This is fully automated reporting to include all relevant calculations. Click here for Funds-Axis FCA Derivatives Use brochure.

We also provide a “lite” excel conversion tool where details (for multiple schemes) can be captured in a simple excel and then the XML can be auto-generated. For details of this, contact your usual Funds-Axis representative.

Click on the below links for more information:


Clients are required to submit Derivative Use Reports to the FCA for all funds that hold derivatives as of the end of the reporting period.

Any UK or EEA UCITS that holds derivatives must submit the report.

Derivatives are defined by the FCA as “a contract for differences, a future or an option”1 as well as other securitised derivatives. N.B. The FCA Derivatives Use report also encompasses forwards, swaps, warrants and all other derivatives.

The changes to reporting introduce quantitative disclosures, more akin to the requirements already in place in Luxembourg and Ireland.

Regulatory Information

For background regulatory information on FCA Derivative Use Regulatory reporting, click here.

Funds-Axis FCA Derivatives Use White Paper
Links to the relevant Regulation and FCA guidance
Funds-Axis e-Learning

The Report

The Template of the report can be found here, together with notes on all the fields.

System Information and Procedures

For procedure notes on how to run the FCA Derivative Use report, click here.

This also includes information on how to maintain the static data and also on recommended governance.

Data Requirements – Static Data

The FCA Derivative Use Reporting requires a range of static information, including in respect of the Manager and the Fund. This includes simple information, such as:

This information is captured in the Manager or scheme Master in Fundware. It can be manually added/edited, or custom uploads can be used for bulk uploads.

Below is a summary of these fields and also of standard system defaults.

Manager Level

Several static data fields are populated from the Manager Master.

Scheme level

The majority of the static data is contained within the scheme master.

An overview of each field of the first page of the FSA042 report is laid out below, along with the appropriate FundsWare field name and any system defaults.

Funds-Axis System Field NamFCA Field NumberFCA Report FieldFCA ExplanationAvailable Report OptionsStandard System Default Value
CIS Reg Type1AOperateUCITSSchemesDo you operate one or more UK authorised UCITS schemes or EEA UCITS schemes?Yes / NoBlank
N/A2AUseDerivativesIf Yes to 1A, do you use derivatives in the scheme(s)?Yes / NoBlank
Scheme Name 4aFundNameFund nameText InputBlank
AIFM EEA Flag4BAuthorisationFund authorisation (UK or EEA)UK / EEABlank
AIF National Code4CPRNLEIPRN (for UK funds) or LEI (for EEA funds)Numerical InputBlank
Scheme NAV4DAssetsUnderMgmtAssets under management
(£ million) *
Numerical InputBlank
N/A4EGrossLongPosGross long derivative positions (%)Numerical InputBlank
N/A4FGrossShortPosGross short derivative positions (%)Numerical InputBlank
N/A4GInvPurposesDerivatives used for investment purposes
(Yes / No)
Yes / NoBlank
Global Exposure Calculation Method4HExpoLeverageLeverage (Yes / No)Yes / NoYes
Global Exposure Calculation Method4IExpoMRMarket Risk (Yes / No)Yes / NoNo
N/A4JMeanAvgValuePast12MthMean of all calculations over the past 12 monthsNumerical InputBlank
N/A4KHighest12MthHighest value above the benchmark over the past 12 monthsNumerical InputBlank
N/A4LMeanAvg12MthMean of all calculations over the past 12 monthsNumerical InputBlank
N/A4MHighest12MthHighest value over the past 12 monthsNumerical InputBlank
N/A4NMeanAvg12MthMean of all calculations over the past 12 monthsNumerical InputBlank
VAR - Holding period (in business days) used for calculation4OHoldPeriodHolding period (in business days) used for calculationNumerical Input20 Days
1-Tailed Confidence Interval4POneTailedConfInt1-tailed confidence intervalNumerical Input99%
Maximum VaR Limit according to defined risk profile4QMaxVaRLmtMaximum VaR limit according to defined risk profile +Numerical InputBlank
N/A4RMeanAvgLev12MthMean of all calculations over the past 12 months
Numerical InputBlank
Maximum expected level of leverage4SMaxExpLvlLevMaximum expected level of leverage ++Numerical InputBlank
Usually expected level of leverage as defined in the prospectus4TUseLvlPerProspUsually expected level of leverage as defined in the prospectus ++Numerical InputBlank
Internal maximum leverage limit used for risk management purposes4UInternalMaxLevLmtInternal maximum leverage limit used for risk management purposesNumerical InputBlank
Report FieldAvailable Report OptionsSystem Standard Default Value
PRN/LEI for UK/EEA FundsBlank
Derivatives are used for investment purposesYes/No
Leverage Limit - Maximum expected level of leverage
Leverage Limit - Usually expected level of leverage as defined in the prospectus
Leverage Limit - Internal maximum leverage limit used for risk management purpose
VaR Approach“Relative” or ”Absolute” or ”N/A”“N/A”
VaR - Holding Period (in business days) used for calculation.Numeric Value20 days
1-tailed confidence interval.Numeric Value99%
Global exposure calculation method.“Leverage” or “Market Risk”“Leverage”
Internal VAR limit - maximum VaR limit according to defined risk profile

Derivatives used for investment purposes (Y/N);

Note: in addition to manual adding and editing, this detail can also be auto-uploaded via “custom uploads.” Click here for details.

Derivative Types - Data Taxonomy

The FCA Derivative Use Report requires that a specific data taxonomy be applied to the classification of derivatives when reporting. The required data taxonomy can be found here.

Note: the assignment of derivatives to this taxonomy is handled automatically within the system using Rule Custom Attribute for “FCA Derivative Type.” Where manual overrides are required, this can be done in the Instrument master; click here for more details.

System Calculations

The FCA Derivatives Use Report requires a number of calculations. the following calculations are automatically produced within the system:

Gross long & short derivative positions (%)
Commitment approach – Mean of all calculations over the past 12 months

For section 4 of the report, you report “Yes” against each of the derivative types held during the year.

For each of these fields for each derivative type, this is auto-populated as “Yes”, if the count by fund of the number of instruments under each “Rule custom attribute. FCA derivative type” is > 0 as at 31 October 2018. See further notes in word doc. In this regard, please note that the FCA Derivative Use report needs consideration of derivatives held throughout the year, not just at end of October. Accordingly, a review should be performed to ensure that the year end report is correct.

VaR Data

For clients using VaR, but where VaR is not provided by Funds-Axis, then we require clients to provide teh relevant VaR information for the FCA Derivative Use Report.

The data file requirements can be found here. In summary, these are:

  • Relative VaR – Highest value above the benchmark over the past 12 months
  • Relative VaR – Mean of all calculations over the past 12 months
  • Absolute VaR – Highest value over the past 12 months
  • Absolute VaR – Mean of all calculations over the past 12 months
Recommended Governance

We recommend that clients perform a range of governance and oversight when preparing their FCA Derivative Use Reports.

Click here for more details.

More Information

Click on the below links for more information on:

Notes on the data fields

Submitting the report on Gabriel

The FCA Derivative Use Report needs to be submitted on the FCA’s Gabriel system in xml format.

Click on the links for details on:

Submitting the XML Report on Gabriel

Common Error Messages


For more information on our FCA Derivative Use Reporting services, please click below.