Regulatory Information

You can find background regulatory information on US Form PF reporting on our Atlas Funds Training portal by clicking on the image to the right.

Data Requirements

A wide range of data is required for Annex IV Reporting. For data file requirements and example data file upload template click here.

There is a wide range of data required for US Form PF Reporting, including in respect of AIFM, AIF and shareclasses. For a number of these, the system has standard defaults.

For information on the standard defaults click here.

Recommended Governance and Operational Steps

We recommend that clients perform a range of governance and oversight when carrying out US Form PF reporting.

A full set of operational checks can be found here.


For help with common issues and error messages associated with US Form PF reporting, please click here.


For more information on our US Form PF Reporting services, please click below: