
The objective of this document is to set a baseline for the data files that we request from clients for cash flow monitoring.

It is common that data files will not meet all of the requirements below. We will review the files and propose solution to deal with any issue that present themselves.

Overview of Files Required

We typically request 1 file per Custodian / Prime-broker.

Frequency and timing

Files should ideally be delivered daily as soon as possible after the NAV calculation (e.g. by 5pm).

For batch processing, typically the files will be received in at various times before cut-off point (e.g. 7am) and are then uploaded.


CSV or Excel Simple file name to include the date in ddmmyy format (e.g. ClientX_Cashflow240218).

The worksheet name to be the same as the file name (this is automatic if the file is csv).

Header row is required.

Each cashflow transaction should be on a single row.

No sub-totals, unnecessary line spaces, non-standard characters etc.

1 worksheet to cover all funds.

All values should be in number format.


Ideally files should be delivered by secure FTP – we will publish the FTP details to the client.

Alternatives options include receipt by email, secure email or through download from client or administrator portal.