HighWire Data Mapping Framework

HighWire features an intuitive User Interface which enables users to flexibly define new data integrations, including specifying source file naming conventions and specifying how columns in the source files map into the various HighWire data tables.

Click here for the HighWire Data Mapping Framework User Guide.

Key Features include:

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    Create edit and amend new data mappings for upload of data for holdings, trades, security data, issuer data, pricing data etc.
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    Specify validation requirements at field level, including mandatory vs. optional data.
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    Inbuilt logic for what happens when validation criteria not met:
    – File fails
    – Record fails
    – Record uploads but with default value
    – Record uploads but error message
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    Mapping logic:
    – Specify which data column in the source data map into which fields in HighWire data tables
    – Ability to have a default if field is blank in uploaded file
    – Alternatives – e.g. if a certain column is blank then upload data from another column
    – Specify whether data should map in only fist time or overwrite
    – Specify the sequence in which files upload (important for issuer to map in before security before holdings).
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    Multiple data mappings can be defined for the same data sets.