
Funds-Axis provide a comprehensive investment compliance monitoring for a range of regulatory and prospectus rules.


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Common Q&A

Click here for a range of common questions and answers in respect of the Investment Compliance module.

For questions and answers for particular rules, click on the relevant rule from within the system, or click on the relevant rule set for more details.

Investment Rules Analysis

We offer comprehensive training on Investment Compliance Regulations, accompanied by detailed documentation. Our resources delve into a wide array of topics, including specific rules, derivative exposure concepts, and much more.

From UK Non-UCITS to Canadian regulations, from EU UCITS to the rules in Hong Kong and Singapore, and extending to other regions like the United States, Australia, Japan, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa – our resources cover it all.

ESG Compliance and Sanctions Monitoring Hub
US Investment Company Act of 1940
Australia Investment Rules
Japan Investment Rules
China Investment Rules
Investment Rules Analysis

We also provide detailed training and documentation of the Investment Compliance Regulations.

Here you will also find detailed documentation of rules and derivative exposure concepts etc.

ESG and Sanction Monitoring
Data & Governance

Accurate Investment Compliance results depend upon accurate holdings and NAV data being uploaded daily. For recommended daily Client Governance click here.

We also need accurate security data, both from market data vendors and static data in respect of deposit takes, counterparties, exchanges, CIS Invested into etc.

Visit the Data Quality Reports for transparency over the status of all data quality.