Investor Comms Regulations

The Investor Communications suite of products cover a myriad of different laws and recommended practices. These come in the form of EU Directives, Regulations and Delegated Acts, Regulatory Technical Standards, Regulator Handbooks (e.g. FCA), Q&A’s and agreed industry guidance.

The main strands covered by our solutions are as follows:

UCITS KIIDThe requirement to produce a UCITS KIID went live on 30 June 2012, in the immediate aftermath of the financial crisis. It is a two-page document designed to provide comparable information across all UCITS funds. Key contents include objectives and investment policies, and disclosures re risks, risk ratings, costs and past performance.
PRIIPs KIDThe requirement to produce a PRIIPs KID went live on 1 January 2018, but UCITS and UK NURS were granted an exemption which has been extended to 30 June 2022. It is a three-page document, with a very pre-defined content, which is designed to be comparable across financial investment types, not just limited to funds. The key differences from the UCITS KIID relate to the disclosure of future performance scenarios and display of costs on a reduction in yield basis across multiple time scenarios.
EPT (European PRIIPs Template)The EPT was designed by Findatex as a common industry data sharing file, primarily to enable product manufacturers to share information in agreed format to insurance companies and other investment manufacturers who required fund or structured product information to prepare their own PRIIPs KIDs.
EMT (European MiFID Template)The EMT was designed by Findatex as a common industry data sharing file, primarily to enable product manufacturers to share information in agreed format to distributors in order that they can share information on the manufacturer’s product with end investors, as required under the MiFID II regime.
ESG / EETESG is currently a hot topic following the publication of the SFDR Regulation. Currently 7 separate RTS are being combined into a delegated act which will form the basis for the required detailed disclosures. Findaex are preparing a EET template to allow for manufacturers to share information in a standardised format.
Marketing CommunicationsESMA recently released Guidelines on marketing communications under the Regulation on the cross-border distribution of funds. All marketing material such as factsheets are required to comply with the content of the Guidelines.
Click on the links in the table above for further information.
EPT (European PRIIPs Template)
EMT (European MiFID Template)
The European ESG Template (EET)
DCPT (Defined Contribution Pension Template)
FVPT (Fair Value Pricing Template)
ESMA Guidelines for Marketing Communications