DCPT (Defined Contribution Pension Template)

The Defined Contribution Workplace Pension Template (DCPT) was developed by a joint ABI/IA working group for the purposes of providing insurers and pension funds with a consistent schema for consuming detailed costs information for products from manufacturers.

The DCPT was first issued in December 2017 and was updated to v1.1 in April 2020.

The DCPT focuses very much on breaking down costs into their component parts, in particular transaction costs.

Transaction costs are required to be broken down into:

  • line
    Explicit transaction taxes
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    Explicit fees and charges
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    Implicit costs (slippage)
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    Indirect Transaction Costs (underlying funds costs)
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    Anti dilution offset

The above costs are then split between costs for Buy and Sell transactions and costs for lending and borrowing transactions.

A Q&A is also available here.