There is a range of data required to support the Liquidity Monitoring Module.

This is summarised below, in three parts:

  • Holdings and security data
  • Information on investor subscriptions and redemptions
  • Information on client’s funds to support the fund level risk assessment

Click here for our onboarding checklist to track that all data has been provided and set-up.

Holdings and Security Data

The following holdings and security data required. Funds-Axis can provide the market data, subject to data licensing. Alternatively, it can be provided by the client. Clients can also provide additional data for use in the liquidity risk assessment.

SourceEquities etcFixed incomeUnlisted Funds****Contractual assets
Deposits, Loans, structured products etc
Portfolio CodeValuationxxxxx
Asset TypeValuationxxxxx
Market value BaseValuationxxxx
Market Data
Trading Volume (default 60 day average weighted trading volume)Marketx
Assumed market capture (participation level)ClientDefault 25%
Instrument settlement cycle**Market*x
Exchange segmentMarketx
Issue sizeMarketx
Regulatory type (UCITS / Non-UCITS)Market*x
Is UCITS EquivalentManual*x
Fund Structure (Open / closed)Market*x
Redemption frequency / manual liquidityManualxx
Underlying asset classMarket*x
Other available data sourcesClientxxxx
Default LiquidityClient
For derivatives and stressed liabilities monitoring
Underlying Isin/sedol***Mixx
Contract size****Mixx
Underlying Price****Mixx
Economic Exposure****Mixx

*Security Identifier – For securities and funds, please provide Sedol/ISIN. For listed futures, please provide the standard derivatives identified – e.g. Z M9. For OTCs and for cash, deposits etc. Please provide an internal identified.

** Instrument settlement cycle – Is not required for liquidity calculations, but is used to provide additional analysis.

*** Underlying ISIN/Sedol – Required for OTC derivatives, excluding currency and interest rate derivatives.

**** For Derivatives Stressed Liquidity – Please note that for both OTC Derivatives and Exchange traded, the calculations are based on market value. However, the stressed liquidity calculations need to reflect the potential for losses based on movement in the underlyings. Therefore, for all derivatives we need either the current economic exposure or the contract size and current underlying price – we can obtain this for standard futures contracts, CFDs, FFX, interest rate. For other OTCs, client should provide the data

***** For Unlisted Funds – See also Appendix 4 for additional data points used for the assessment of stressed liquidity of other open ended funds invested into. Most of these data points are manually captured.

Investor Subscriptions and Redemptions

The following investor activity data is required;

  • Monthly subscriptions and redemptions (Value and % of NAV). This can be found here in the file specs for Report 24(2).
  • % of fund owned by top investors. We recommend top 5 in line with the AIFMD Annex IV Reporting requirements. This can be found here in the file specs for Report 24(1).
Fund Risk Assessment

There is a range of data that can be captured to support the clients fund risk assessment.

This data is captured in the scheme master and summarised below.

Total Liquidity risk score

The capture results in a Liquidity Risk Assessment score being calculated at Portfolio level.

Average ScoreLiquidity Risk Assessment
< 1.8Low Risk
1.8 – 2.4Medium Risk
2.4 - 3High Risk

*Our default is to use average, rather than aggregate, so as to work based on all available data, rather than assuming that all data is complete.

Data Captured

#IndicatorScoring System
1Fund size3 - > Β£5bn NAV

2 - Β£2bn to Β£5bn NAV

1 - Β£1bn - Β£2bn NAV

2 – 250m - Β£1bn NAV

3 - < Β£250m
2Asset Class Risk1 – MMI, Large cap listed equities,

2 – Not 1 or 2

3 – Smaller Cap stocks, Emerging markets High Yield Bonds, Direct Real Estate, Commodities
3Fund Performance1 – Top Quartile

2 – 2nd and 3rd Quartile

3 – 4th Quartile
4Monthly net redemptions as % of NAV1 – Positive

2 - 1%
5% in Illiquid asset1 - 10%
6% in Cash and cash equivalents1 - > 10%

2.- 5 – 10%

3 - < 5%
7Funds use of derivatives1 - None, Hedging and synthetic asset replacement only

2 – Incremental leverage 20%
8Investor type risk1 – Insignificant

2 - Significant

3 – Very high
9% of NAV owned by the Top 5 Investors1 – 20%
10Other significant risk factor1 – Insignificant

2 - Significant

3 – Very high