UCITS Rules References
CategoryHighWire Rule ReferenceHighWire RuleUCITS DirectiveUCITS Directive ExtractUK Coll ReferencesIreland ReferencesLuxembourg References
Asset EligibilityP20001P20001: No Ineligible Assets for UCITSArticle 50.1 The investments of a UCITS shall comprise only one or more of the following:

(1)transferable securities;
(2) approved money-market instruments (MMI);
(3) units in collective investment schemes;
(4) derivatives and forward transactions; and
(5) deposits.
COLL 5.2.6 A RPart 8 Section 68.1LUX: UCITS 2010 - 41 (1)
Asset EligibilityP20002.1P20002.1: Securities must be eligible transferable securities - EquitiesEligible Assets DirectiveEligible Assets Directive & GuidanceCOLL 5.2.7 RPart 8 Section 68.1LUX: UCITS 2010 - 41(1) a,b,c,d
Asset EligibilityP20002.2P20002.2: Securities must be eligible transferable securities - FIEligible Assets DirectiveEligible Assets Directive & GuidanceCOLL 5.2.7 RPart 8 Section 68.1LUX: UCITS 2010 - 41(1) a,b,c,d
Asset EligibilityP20002.3P20002.3: Securities must be eligible transferable securities - CEFEligible Assets DirectiveEligible Assets Directive & GuidanceCOLL 5.2.7 RPart 8 Section 68.1LUX: UCITS 2010 - 41(1) a,b,c,d
Asset EligibilityP20002.4P20002.4: Securities must be eligible transferable securities - SPEligible Assets DirectiveEligible Assets Directive & GuidanceCOLL 5.2.7 RPart 8 Section 68.1LUX: UCITS 2010 - 41(1) a,b,c,d
Asset EligibilityP20003P20003: Closed end funds must be approved for UCITS (regulated / segregated assets)Article 55.2Eligible Assets Directive & GuidanceCOLL 5.2.7C R
Asset EligibilityP20004P20004: MMI must be approved MMIArticle 50.1(h) MMI must be:

(i) issued or guaranteed by a central, regional or local authority or central bank of a Member State, the European Central Bank, the Community or the European Investment Bank, a non-EU country or by a public international body;
(ii) issued by an undertaking any securities of which are dealt in on regulated markets;
(iii) issued or guaranteed by an establishment subject to prudential supervision, in accordance with criteria defined by Community law, or by an establishment which is subject to and complies with prudential rules considered by the competent authorities to be at least as stringent as those laid down by Community law; or
(iv) issued by other bodies belonging to the categories approved by the competent authorities of the UCITS home Member State

Eligible Assets Directive & Guidance
COLL 5.2.7FPart 8 Section 68.1 b
Asset EligibilityP20004.2P20004.2: MMI must have a maturity of less than 397 daysEligible Assets Directive & GuidanceCOLL 5.2.7GPart 8 Section 68.1 b
Asset EligibilityP20005P20005: CIS must be UCITS or equivalent non-UCITS CISArticle 50.1e Where a UCITS invests into another open ended fund (a CIS), that CIS must either itself be a UCITS or it must be an other open ended scheme which is equivalent to a UCITS.

More specifically, a UCITS may invest in to other collective investment schemes provided that such other collective investment schemes:

(i) are subject to supervision equivalent to that laid down in Community law, and that cooperation between authorities is sufficiently ensured;
(ii) have level of protection for unit-holders equivalent to that provided for unitholders in a UCITS
(iii) report in half-yearly and annual reports to enable an assessment to be made of the assets and liabilities, income and operations over the reporting period;
(iv) have no more than 10 % of assets invested in aggregate in units of other UCITS or other collective investment undertakings

Eligible Assets Directive & Guidance
COLL 5.2.13 R & COLL 5.2.14 RPart 8 Section 68.1 eLUX:UCITS 41 1e
Asset EligibilityP20007P20007: CIS which invest greater than 10% in other CIS. ProhibitedArticle 50.1e(iv)Where a UCITS invests into another open ended fund (a CIS), that CIS must either itself be a UCITS or it must be an other open ended scheme which is equivalent to a UCITS.

More specifically, a UCITS may invest in to other collective investment schemes provided that such other collective investment schemes:...

(iv) have no more than 10 % of assets invested in aggregate in units of other UCITS or other collective investment undertakings
COLL 5.2.13 R (3)Part 8 Section 68.1 eLUX: UCITS 2010 - 41 (1) e
Asset EligibilityP20008Deposits must mature within one year or be repayable upon demandArticle 50.1(f)Deposits must be repayable on demand and maturing in no more than 12 monthsCOLL 5.2.26 R (2)Part 8 Section 68.1 fLUX: UCITS 2010 -41 (1) f
Asset EligibilityP20009P20009: Deposits must be made with acceptable credit institutionsArticle 50.1(f) The credit institution must have its registered office in a Member State. If the credit institution has its registered office in a third country, it must be subject to prudential rules considered by the competent authorities of the UCITS home Member State as equivalent to those laid down in Community lawCOLL 5.2.26 R (1)Part 8 Section 68.1 fLUX: UCITS2010 - 41 (1) f
Asset EligibilityP20010P20010: FDI must have eligible underlyings
Article 50.1(g)(i)The eligible underlying for derivatives are:

(i) Transferable securities
(ii) Money market instruments
(iii) Deposits
(iv) Collective Investment Schemes
(v) Financial Derivative Instruments
(vi) Financial Indices*
(vii) Interest Rates

Eligible Assets Directive & Guidance
COLL 5.2.20APart 8 Section 68.1 g (i)LUX: UCITS 2010 - 41 (1) g
Asset EligibilityP20011P20011: OTC derivatives must be with acceptable counterpartiesArticle 50.1(g)(ii)OTC derivative counterparties must be institutions subject to prudential supervision, and belonging to the categories approved by the competent authorities of the UCITS home Member StateCOLL 5.2.23 (1) RPart 8 Section 68.1 g (ii)LUX: UCITS 2010 - 41 (1) g
Asset EligibilityP20012P20012: OTC derivatives must be capable of reliable valuationArticle 50.1(g)(iii)OTC derivatives are subject to reliable and verifiable valuation on a daily basisCOLL 5.2.23 (3) RPart 8 Section 68.1 g (iii)LUX: UCITS 2010 - 41 (1) g
Asset EligibilityP20012.2P20012.2: OTC Derivative must be liquidCOLL 5.2.23 (2) R
Approved MarketsP20013P20013: 10% max. in Transferable securities and MMI not on eligible marketArticle 50.2(a) A UCITS shall not,

(a) invest more than 10 % of its assets in transferable securities or money market instruments other than those referred in paragraph 1
COLL 5.2.8 R(4)Part 8 Section 68.2 aLUX: UCITS 2010 - 41 (2) a
Approved MarketsP20014P20014: Warning: Where unlisted securities are to be listed within 365 daysArticle 50.2(a) A UCITS shall not,

(a) invest more than 10 % of its assets in transferable securities or money market instruments other than those referred in paragraph 1
COLL 5.2.8 R (3) (e)Part 8 Section 68.1 d
Asset EligibilityP20020.1P20020.1: No investment in Nil and partly paid securitiesCOLL 5.2.17 (R)
Diversification - TSP20026P20026: UK - Max 10% NAV in Securities & MMI issued by the same Issuer GroupArticle 52.2A UCITS shall invest no more than 10% of its assets in transferable securities or MMI issued by the same bodyCOLL 5.2.11 R (5)Part 8 Section 70.1 aLUX:UCITS 2010 - 43 (1) 1
Diversification - TSP20029P20029: UK - Max 40% NAV in Securities & MMI where the exposure to the UL issuer Group is greater than 5% NAVArticle 52.2The total value of the transferable securities and the MMI held by the UCITS in the issuing bodies in each of which it invests more than 5 % of its assets shall not exceed 40 % of the value of its assets. COLL 5.2.11 R (4) & COLL 5.2.11 R (5)Part 8 Section 70.1 aLUX:UCITS 2010- 43(2) 1 & 2
Diversification - TSP20030P20030: Max 35% NAV in the Securities of any One GOPS Issuer, unless the Issuer is a 100% GOPS IssuerArticle 52.3A UCITS shall invest a maximum of 35 % if the transferable securities or MMI are issued or guaranteed by a Member State, by its local authorities, by a third country or by a public international body to which one or more Member States belong.
COLL 5.2.12 RPart 8 Section 70.4 and Part 8 Section 72.1LUX:UCITS 2010 - 43 (3)
Diversification - TSP20031P20031: If Issuer is a 100% GOPS Issuer, Max 30% NAV in any One IssueArticle 52.5 & 54.1Art 52.5: Investments in transferable securities or MMI issued by the same body or in deposits or derivative instruments made with this body shall not exceed 35 % in total;

Art 54.1: Such a UCITS shall hold securities from at least six different issues, but securities from any single issue shall not account for more than 30 % of its total assets.
COLL 5.2.12 R
Diversification - TSP20032P20032: Max 100% Exposure to any one GOPS IssuerArticle 54.1A UCITS may invest in accordance with the principle of risk spreading up to 100 % of their assets in different transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a Member State, one or more of its local authorities, a third country, or a public international body COLL 5.2.12 RPart 8 Section 72.1LUX:UCITS 2010 - 45 (1) 3
Diversification - TSP20034P20034: If GOPS Issuer holding is >35%, minimum 6 GOPS issues held of any GOPS IssuerArticle 52.5 & 54.1Art 52.5: Investments in transferable securities or MMI issued by the same body or in deposits or derivative instruments made with this body shall not exceed 35 % in total;

Art 54.2: UCITS shall make express mention in the fund rules or in the instruments of incorporation of the investment company of the Member States, local authorities, or public international bodies issuing or guaranteeing securities in which they intend to invest more than 35 % of their assets.

Such fund rules or instruments of incorporation shall be approved by the competent authorities.
COLL 5.2.12 RPart 8 Section 72.2 aLUX:UCITS 2010 - 45 (1) 3
Diversification - TSP20035P20035: Max 25% NAV in Covered Bonds of any one issuer (Bonds Issued by a Credit Institution with Special Public Supervision)Article 52.4A UCITS shall invest a maximum of 25 % in transferable securities or MMI where bonds are issued by a credit institution which has its registered office in a Member State and is subject to special public supervision.COLL 5.2.11 (5a)Part 8 Section 70.3 aLUX:UCITS 2010 - 45 (4) 1
Diversification - TSP20036P20036: Max 80% NAV in Covered Bonds (Bonds Issued by Credit Institutions with Special Public Supervision in which more than 5% is InvestedArticle 52.4 Where a UCITS invests more than 5 % of its assets in covered bonds which are issued by a single issuer, the total value of these investments shall not exceed 80 % COLL 5.2.11 (5a)Part 8 Section 70.3 bLUX:UCITS 2010 - 45 (4) 3
Diversification - Cash and DepositsP20037P20037: Max 20% NAV in Deposits with any one Credit InstitutionArticle 52.1(b)A UCITS shall invest no more than:
(b) 20 % of its assets in deposits made with the same body
COLL 5.2.11 R (3)Part 8 Section 70.1 bLUX:UCITS 2010 - 43 (1) 2
Diversification - Cash and DepositsP20038P20038: Max 10% NAV in Cash and Ancillary Liquid Assets (Industry approach)Article 50.2 A UCITS may hold Ancillary Liquid Asset.Part 8 Section 68.2 aLUX: UCITS 2010 - 41 (2) 3
Diversification - CISP20040P20040: Max 20% NAV in a single CISArticle 55.1A UCITS may acquire 20% in any single CIS

COLL 5.2.11 R (9)Part 8 Section 73.1LUX: UCITS 2010 - 46 (1)
Diversification - CISP20043P20043: Max 30% NAV in aggregate CIS which are not UCITSArticle 55.2Investments made in units of CIS other than UCITS shall not in aggregate exceed 30 % COLL 5.2.13 RPart 8 Section 73.2LUX: UCITS 2010 - 46 (2)
Counterparty ExposureP20044P20044: Max 5% NAV OTC Derivatives with Eligible CounterpartiesArticle 52.1(b)The risk exposure to a counterparty of the UCITS in an OTC derivative transaction shall not exceed either:
(b) 5 % of its assets, in other cases.
COLL 5.2.11 R (7)Part 8 Section 70.1 cLUX:UCITS 2010 - 43 (1) 3
Counterparty ExposureP20045P20045: Max 10% NAV OTC Derivatives with Approved Credit InstitutionsArticle 52.1(a)The risk exposure to a counterparty of the UCITS in an OTC derivative transaction shall not exceed either:
(a) 10 % of its assets when the counterparty is a credit institution
COLL 5.2.11 R (7)Part 8 Section 70.1 c
Global ExposureP19001P19001 [$_Portfolio ]. UCITS Commitment Leverage. Max 0% NAVPart 8 Section 69.4LUX: UCITS 2010 - 42 (3)
Global ExposureP19002P19002 [$_Portfolio ]. UCITS Commitment Leverage. Max 100% NAVCOLL 5.3.7RPart 8 Section 69.4LUX: UCITS 2010 - 42 (3)
CoverP20048P20048: Liquid Assets Cover for Derivative ObligationsCOLL 5.2.22 R & COLL 5.2.22 APart 11 Section 112LUX:CESR 10-788,SEC5
CoverP20049P20049: Specific Cover for Derivatives ObligationsCOLL 5.2.22 R & COLL 5.2.22 APart 11 Section 112LUX:CESR 10-788, Sec5
Asset EligibilityP20050P20050: No Physical Short Selling UCITSArticle 50.3COLL 5.2.222 R & COLL 5.2.22 A GPart 11 Section 112
BorrowingP20052P20052: 10% max. in borrowings (traded basis) (with netting at currency level)COLL 5.5.5R (1)Part 11 Section 103.3
BorrowingP20054P20054: Borrowings must be temporary - 90 days continuousCOLL 5.5.4 (R) 4 & 5
BorrowingP20055P20055: Borrowings must be temporary - 90 days in 180COLL 5.5.4 (R) 4 & 5
Consolidated ExposureP20059P20059: Consolidated Exposure (excl. Covered bonds & GAPS) must be less than 20% NAVArticle 52.2a - c A UCITS shall not combine, where this would lead to investment of more than 20 % of its assets in a single body, any of the following:

(a) investments in transferable securities or money market instruments issued by that body;
(b) deposits made with that body; or
(c) exposures arising from OTC derivative transactions undertaken with that body.
COLL 5.2.11 R(10) include covered bonds with 20%, but is subject to COLL 5.2.11(5a) which allows covered bonds to be up to 25% with any one issuer. Therefore, exclude covered bonds.Part 8 Section 70.2LUX:UCITS 2010 - 43 (2) 3
Consolidated ExposureP20060P20060: Consolidated Exposure (incl. Covered bonds but excl. GAPS) must be less than 35% NAVArticle 52.5Investments in transferable securities or MMI issued by the same body or in deposits or derivative instruments made with this body shall not exceed 35 % in total UCITS Directive + COLL 5.2.11 (10) but subject to COLL 5.2.11 (5a)Part 8 Section 70.6LUX:UCITS 2010 - 43 (2) 3
Cross-InvestmentP20061P20061: No Investment in CIS of the Same UmbrellaCOLL 5.2.15(2)Part 8 Section 73.6 LUX:UCITS 2010 - 48 (2) 3
LUX:UCITS 2010 - 181 (8)
Cross-InvestmentP20062P20062: No investment in another sub-fund of the same Manager, unless permitted in prospectusArticle 59.1COLL 5.2(15(1) & COLL 5.2.15(2)
Ownership / Significant InfluenceP20070P20070: Cover all: max 10% of security issued capitalPart 8 Section 74.2 a
Ownership / Significant InfluenceP20071P20071: Ownership = Manager: Scheme: 20% max. of voting shares per single issuing bodyArticle 56.1 An investment company or a management company shall not acquire any shares carrying voting rights which would enable it to exercise significant influence over the management of an issuing body. COLL 5.2.27 R (2)
Ownership / Significant InfluenceP20073P20073: Ownership - Umbrella: 10% max. of non-voting shares issued by single issuing bodyArticle 56.2(a)A UCITS may acquire no more than:

(a) 10 % of the non-voting shares of a single issuing body;
COLL 5.2.29 (R) (1)Part 8 Section 74.2 a (i)LUX: UCITS 2010 - 48 (2) 1
Ownership / Significant InfluenceP20075P20075: Ownership - Umbrella: 10% max. in Debt Securities issued by a single issuing bodyArticle 56.2(b)A UCITS may acquire no more than:

(b) 10 % of the debt securities of a single issuing body
COLL 5.2.29 (R) (2)Part 8 Section 74.2 a (ii)LUX: UCITS 2010 - 48 (2) 1&4
Ownership / Significant InfluenceP20077P20077: Umbrella: 10% max. in MMI issued by a single issuing bodyArticle 56.2(d)A UCITS may acquire no more than:

(d) 10 % of the money market instruments of a single issuing body.
COLL 5.2.29 (R) (4)LUX: UCITS 2010 - 48 (2) 1&4
Ownership - CIS P20078P20023: Max 25% of the units issued by any one CIS (portfolio)Article 56.2cA UCITS may acquire no more than:

(c) 25 % of the units of a single UCITS or other collective investment undertaking
COLL 5.2.29 (R) (3)Part 8 Section 74.2 a (iii)LUX: UCITS 2010 - 48 (2) 3