Identifying & Defining Rules

We adopt a six step process when performing a prospectus review. Before any rules get coded, we must walk through the following steps;

Sample Prospectus Interpretation

It is important when creating new prospectus rules that they are in a easily digestible format as this helps enable greater end user understanding. *Step 3.

Bad Example:Good Example - break down into 4 succinct rules:
(1) The Fund aims to invest in the equity of a maximum of forty five publicly listen companies, primarily selected from the Fund's benchmark, the FTSE All-Share Total Return Index (as described in the Appendix to the Supplement)(1) Equity Securities: Max 45 Listed Companies
(2) The Fund may also invest up to 20% of its net assets in the equirt of companies publicly quoted outside the UK.(2) Max 20% in Equities of companies listed outside the UK
(3) The global exposure as a result of the Fund's investment in the FDI will be measured using the commitment approach and will be limited to 100% of Net Asset Value. (For the avoidance of doubt, the Fund shall not invest in other collective investment schemes)(3) 200% Max Total Exposure (incl. 100% FDI)
(4) No investment in CIS
Rule Matrix Creation

The rules plucked from the prospectus should then be listed in a rule matrix, showing clearly to which scheme(s) they belong to. Sample shown below.

Rule CodeRule TextProspectus ExtractScheme 1: ABCScheme 2: XYZScheme 3: XXXScheme 4: DBD
P1056:P1056: Max 20% in Emerging MarketsThe Fund will predominantly invest in Frontier Markets in the WEC. The Fund may invest up to 30% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund in Emerging Markets.YYY
P1053P1053: Max 20% in Corporate debt securitiesThe Series may also invest up to 20% of net assets in convertible and non-convertible corporate debt securities rated below investment grade, also known as junk bonds, or unrated securities which the Investment Adviser has determined to be of comparable quality.YY
P1058P1058: Max 30% in non-investment grade debtAny bonds in which the Fund invests may be fixed and/or floating, corporate and/or government bonds that may or may not be of investment grade or may be unrated by a recognised rating agency such as Moody's or Standard & Poor's. The Fund will not invest more than 30% in below investment grade bonds.YY
P1057P1057: Max 30% in non-CNY denominated debt securitiesAny such investment in non-RMB denominated debt securities is expected to be minimal and in any event shall not exceed 30% of the net assets of the Series.Y