Funds-Axis’ Shareholder Disclosures solution is a module within our core application and has been on offer since 2016.

The module provides automated monitoring of global shareholder disclosure rules across 80+ jurisdictions, including monitoring for:

  • Major Shareholdings
  • Takeover Disclosures
  • Short Selling
  • Foreign Investment
  • Sensitive Sectors

Below is a simplistic look at how our technology works with links to more detailed documentation further down the page:

Regulatory Information

You can find background regulatory information on Shareholder Disclosures on our Global Disclosures knowledge portal by clicking on the image to the right.

Data Requirements

As is standard for Managed Services clients, we use Thomson Reuters Data for Shareholder Disclosures.

  • For a summary of how Reuters data fields map with our Technology, please click here.
  • For information on how Reuters supports Shareholder Disclosures, click here.
  • For an overview of the data terminologies and data in respect of issued capital and voting shares, at both security and issuer level, click here.
  • For a detailed review of the data file requirements for Shareholder Disclosures, please click here.
Client Daily Processes

The Shareholder Disclosures client daily processes guide can be found here.

Information on Data Quality Management for Shareholder Disclosures can be found here.

Testing Documentation

Testing documentation containing case studies of Shareholder Disclosure rules can be found here.


For brochures on Shareholder Disclosures and our Shareholder Disclosures Managed Services, please see below: