View New and Existing Disclosures

To view new and existing Disclosures navigate to the pathway;

Reporting > Shareholder Disclosures > Disclosure Management

This will open a window with a list of all existing and new disclosure breaches. Individual disclosures can be reviewed and updated.

To view the details of a disclosures breach, select the “Edit” button. This will open a new window.

Here the user can:

  • Log comments against the breach.
  • Update the breach status, e.g. “Under Review”, “Invalid”, “Closed” etc.
    – Note: If marked as “Closed”, the breach will drop off the list of open disclosures in “Disclosure Management”.
  • Assign a severity level.
Validating Disclosures

To validate Disclosures we can use the Aggregated Holdings Report which can be accessed from the Quick Links on the Home Page.

It can also be accessed via the pathway:

Reporting > Shareholder Disclosures > Aggregated Holding Report

This opens the Aggregated Holdings Report as shown below:

There are multiple options available for selection when running the “Aggregated Holding Report”.

  • Aggregation Level: Fund House, Delegated Investment Manager & Group Fund House.
    – The Delegated Investment Manager is set as the default; select the applicable Delegated IM from the drop-down menu.
  • Denominator Level / Holdings View: Instrument, UL Instrument, Issuer, UL Issuer.

You can also select for index derivatives to be decomposed.

Once the user has selected all the options that they require, the report will generate upon clicking Print Preview.

The generate Aggregated Holding Report will then provide the user with a clear view of their aggregated holdings and the percentages of issued capital and voting rights held as shown below.

Upload Checks

The Shareholder Disclosures results are dependent on the accuracy of data uploaded into the system and there are several tools available to allow you to validate that your holdings have uploaded correctly.

NAV Tolerance Report

The NAV Tolerance Report is a useful report for showing that the value of the holdings uploaded closely corresponds with the official Net Asset Value (NAV) of the funds, thereby giving confidence that all holdings have been uploaded correctly.

This report can be accessed via the pathway:

Reporting > NAV Validation > NAV Tolerance

The report generates as below. For reference:

  • NAV Value (Holding) is the aggregated value of holdings uploaded via holdings files for that fund for that particular date.
  • NAV Value (Declared) is the NAV value uploaded via the NAV file for that fund for that particular date.
  • % of Scheme NAV is the calculation of the Holdings NAV as a % of the Declared NAV. This value should be as close to 100% as possible.
Top Exposure Summary

On the homepage, you can also see a fund by fund breakdown of top exposures. This can be grouped either by Security or Issuer.

This report provides a quick snapshot of the exposures on the fund from which the user can easily identify erroneous exposures where data may be incorrect and require further investigation.

Note: This is not broken down by Delegated Investment Manager – for this please see the Aggregated Holding Report.