
Files Required

We typically request 4 files;

  • Holdings file
  • Security/Market Data file
  • Trades file
  • NAV File

Of these, only the NAV file is optional. All others are mandatory.


  • CSV or excel
  • Simple file name to include date format ddmmyy. (e.g. ClientX_Holdings300519)
  • Header row is required
  • No sub-totals, unnecessary blank rows, non-standard characters etc.
  • 1 worksheet to cover all funds
  • All values should be in a “general” format
  • No leading zeros for Sedol’s, e.g. 0056231 should be present as 56231.

Frequency and Timing

Files should ideally be delivered T+0, or as soon as possible after the NAV calculation (e.g. by 5pm) as disclosures are reported T+1.


Ideally files should be delivered by secure FTP. Funds-Axis will set-up and provide FTP details to the client. Alternatively, we can receive files by email, including secure email.

Existing Administrators

We have existing relationships and access to c. 42 different administrators – each of which have their own unique file and mapping requirements. These existing relationships should be leveraged off to help ensure a quick and accurate implementation.

Key File Specifications

Holdings File

Minimum Requirements

The holding file should ideally contain the following details

* Scheme Name is optional

** Sedol is preferable as it is unique per instrument. ISIN is used to populate Disclosure Reports, therefore it would be ideal to have both present in the portfolio holdings file.

Manual Setup Requirements

The holding file should ideally contain the following details for manual Security / Derivative set-up:

* Where standard tickers are used, we will not require the above derivative data.


For bonds, we suggest dirty price and values.

Forward FX should enable us to see both legs of the forward FX – either on one line or two.

Security / Market Data File

The security file should ideally contain the following details;

* Terminology for these fields can be found in the “Global Disclosures Data Requirements & Terminology” Document.

Trades File

For most Disclosures Rules, the Disclosure requirement can adequately be identified from a movement in Quantity of the Position and hence the Holdings Position file.

However, for some Rules and / or Report Production, there may be a need to monitor against Trades.

For example, for UK Takeover Rule 8, we can use Positions to identify Opening Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures, but the Form will need populated (manually or by FundWare) with details of Trades.

If clients wish to upload Trades, then the file should contain the following fields:

NAV File

The NAV file is a simple file containing the official NAV of the fund. The following columns are required:

Other Files

Index File

We can arrange data feeds for you for many indices, subject to licensing.

Alternatively, if you wish to provide your own data, a data file should be provided, ideally with the worksheet and workbook named as Indicesddmmyy.

The file should be in .csv or Excel 2003-2007 format, and needs to contain at least the following details:

  • A code for the index ETF
  • Sedol/ISIN of the constituent instrument
  • Weighting of the stock in the index as a number (e.g. 3.03 instead of 3.03%)

Other Data

Funds-Axis can provide other data lists, including those set-out below:

  • List of Takeover Panel Stocks – UK and various jurisdictions
  • EU Shares and exempt shares
  • Sovereign Debt Thresholds for Short Selling.

If you would rather provide this data directly, then please advise us of that and we will provide details of the relevant data file formats.