Notification Portals – Quick Links - Large Shareholdings

United Kingdom


  • No standard form – for the content of the notification please see Article 423 of the Capital Market Act



From 1 July 2020 on submission of a notification to BaFin and to the company must be made electronically.


  • Only registered users are provided access to the digital portal. Investors have to nominate a natural person (employee, legal representative etc.) to act on their behalf as administrator of the filing of regulated information to the national competent authority. For more information, please see here.


  • No standard form (requirements on notifications, cf. Securities Trading Regulation (STR), section 4-1.


  • No standard form (There is no obligation to use a standard form for major holdings notifications. All legal requirements are contained in the Art. 69. 4. of the Act of 29 July 2005


Major Shareholding

  • Standard form for the notification of major holdings


The Resolution on Information on Significant Shares provides for two forms for reporting to the Agency, namely the P-DEL form, which is intended to notify changes in significant shares, and the LD form, which notifies the company of changes in the share of treasury shares.

Notification of change of significant shares – P-DEL form

Notification of changes in the share of treasury shares – LD form