Sensitive Sectors
What are Sensitive Sectors?

“Sensitive Sectors” are sectors within a particular jurisdiction which have special significance and are considered strategically important.

Each jurisdiction considers different sectors to be “sensitive”.

Sensitive Sectors include:

  • Banking and Finance
  • Media
  • Gas/Electricity Utilities
  • Air Freight & Logistics
  • Airlines
  • Telecommunications
  • Insurance
What are Sensitive Sector Rules?

Sensitive Sectors Rules are a type of shareholder rule which impose specific rules on a particular sector.

These include:

  • Pre-trade Approval
  • Post Trade Reporting; and
  • Hard limits
What are the Key Considerations?
  • Which industries and securities are in scope?
  • Do the sensitive sector rules apply to foreign investors or everyone?
  • Are the rules sector specific, company specific (Qantas) or is there a blanket restriction (Saudi Arabia)?
  • Are restrictions at an individual level or aggregated across investors?
  • Calculation – scope of numerator and denominator
  • Pre trade approval, post trade reporting or hard limit
  • Exemptions
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