UCITS Rules Not Applicable to NURS: A Comparative Overview

Distinguishing between the rules applicable to UCITS and those to NURS is a critical component of effective fund management and regulatory compliance. In the following table, we highlight the UCITS rules that do not apply to NURS, providing a side-by-side comparison for an easier understanding of these differences.

Asset Eligibility
Assets must be UCITS eligible asset typesNURS have wider range of eligible assets, including property and gold.
CIS must be UCITS or equivalent non-UCITS CISNURS have wider range of eligible CIS, including NURS equivalent and indeed into unregulated schemes (so long as aggregate in unregulated schemes and unapproved transferable securities is in aggregate below 20% of the NAV).
CIS must invest max. 10% in other CISNURS can invest in CIS which have max 15% in other CIS.
FDI must have eligible underlyingsNURS have wider range of derivatives eligible underlying, including on property and gold.
Approved Markets
10% max. in unapproved securities and MMIFor NURS, it is a 20% rule and also includes unregulated funds.
10% max. in securities to be listed within one year, excl. 144A securitiesNot applicable
Ownership - Concentration and Significant influence
20% max. of voting shares per single issuing bodySignificant influence / concentration rules do not apply to NURS
10% max. of non-voting shares issued by single issuing body
10% max. in debt securities and MMI issued by a single issuing body
25% max. in the units in issue of any single CIS
10% max. in securities or money market instruments issued by the same bodyThe NURS Rule is at UL_Issuer level, where as in the UK, the UCITS Rule is at UL_Issuer Group level.
40% max. in securities and MMI of issuing bodies in which more than 5% is inOnly the 10% rule applies to NURS
Max 80% in bonds of credit institutions with special public supervision in which more than 5% isNot applicable
20% max. in any single CISFor NURS, the limit is max 35% in any one CIS.

There is also the max 20% in any one CIS which is not UCITS, NURS or NURS equivalent.
30% max. in CIS which are not UCITSNo such rule for NURS
Counterparty Exposure
5% max OTC derivatives with eligible counterpartiesFor NURS, only the 10% limit applies and to all counterparties.
10% max OTC derivatives with credit institutions
Aggregated Exposure
Max 20% aggregated underlying issuer group exposureAggregated exposure rule doesn’t apply to NURS
UCITS 37: Temporary Borrowing RulesUCITS can have permanent borrowing
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