
At a holdings level, we have two big types of exposure:

  • line
    Economic Exposure – delta adjusted
  • line
    Notional Exposure – not delta adjusted.

For Regulatory purposes, we have various calculations:

  • line
    UCITS Gross Exposure – Commitment method (economic exposure)
  • line
    UCITS Notional
  • line
    AIFMD AUM Commitment (economic exposure)
  • line
    AIFMD Commitment (economic exposure)
  • line
    AIFMD Gross (economic exposure).

These calculations differ as regards how we can apply netting and hedging and as regards to cash and β€œrisk-free” assets. A summary is set out in the table below.

In HighWire, economic exposure is calculated as:

Quantity * Contract Size * Price of Underlying Assets * Delta / Underlying FX Rate.

AIFMD AUM (i)AIFMD GrossAIFMD CommitmentUCITS Global Exposure using Commitment ApproachUCITS Notional
Calculation LevelPortfolioPortfolioPortfolioDerivatives (ii)Derivatives
Delta AdjustmentYesYesYesYesNo
Netting / hedgingNoNoYesYesNo
Currency hedging (e.g. FFX)NoNoYesYesNo
Risk free assetsNoYesNo (iii)No(iii)No
LiabilitiesExcludeInclude (iv)Include (iv)Include (iv)n/a
Shareclass hedgingExcludeExcludeExcludeExcludeExclude

(i) Investment into other group CIS are also excluded for AUM purposes.
(ii) Whilst UCITS considers leverage from derivatives, but in practice calculations have regard to equities, bonds etc. as regards netting and cash and cash equivalents and to reinvestment of collateral.

(iii) However, long derivative exposure can be offset by β€œcash and cash equivalents.”

(iv) Exemptions apply for borrowing meeting criteria.

As regards the different calculations, we should expect the following:

AUM should be greater than NAVAUM does not include any liabilities and hence must be greater than the NAV. Note, this does means it has to include sundry receivables.
AUM should be greater than AIFMD CommitmentAUM does not include any liabilities.
It does not reduce long derivatives exposure by cash and risk free assets
It does not have netting and hedging.
It does not restrict currency derivative exposure to incremental exposure only.

Note, one scenario where AUM may be less than NAV, AIFMD Commitment and AIFMD Gross is where there is investment into other group CIS, as these are excluded for AUM purposes.
AUM should be greater than AIFMD GrossAUM does not include any liabilities.
It does not exclude cash and risk free assets.
UCITS Commitment Exposure should not be less than zeroUCITS Commitment exposure only measures the incremental leverage. It does not measure deleverage and hence the incremental UCITS commitment exposure should not be less than 0%.
All of the above should be greater than zero.We would expect this in all cases except where there is a negative NAV (e.g. leveraged property funds).

Note, one scenario where AUM may be less than NAV, AIFMD Commitment and AIFMD Gross is where there is investment into other group CIS, as these are excluded for AUM purposes.