NAV vs Official NAV
The value of all assets uploaded is summed and compared to the official NAV for the fund. Differences outside of tolerance are flagged.
The value of all assets uploaded is summed and compared to the official NAV for the fund. Differences outside of tolerance are flagged.
Analysis of today’s NAV price with previous day’s NAV price, highlighting movements outside of tolerance. Analysis at portfolio level, asset class level and instrument level.
The movement in price of different share classes within a fund, from previous day and over time, are analysed for consistency, including comparison vs benchmark.
Prices used within the fund NAV are reconciled to independently sourced prices. Differences outside of tolerance are then identified & their NAV impact assessed.
Independent price checking of FX rates used within valuations. Differences outside of tolerance are then identified.
Holdings in suspended / unquoted / illiquid and difficult to price securities are automatically identified and analysed. Also, monitoring of stale-priced securities.
Accurals testing to provide substantive and analytic testing of income and expense balances.
In addition to intra-day real time checking of the NAV, it also supports compliance / audit depositary oversight activities.
In addition to intra-day real time checking of the NAV, it also supports compliance / audit depositary oversight activities and periodic NAV validation exercises, ensuring that oversight activities are properly focused.