The Challenges of Liquidity Stress Testing

It seems that ‘liquidity risk’ is the prevalent term on everyone’s lips these days. Following a turbulent 2019, with several high-profile fund suspensions, it is perhaps no surprise that liquidity is a 2020 priority for most regulators. The fund suspensions compounded with the ESMA’s Liquidity Stress Tests (LST) Guideline coming into force 30 September 2020 and the recent launch of a common supervisory action (CSA) on UCITS liquidity risk management demonstrate why liquidity risk is on every fund manager’s priority list.


Crash Test

Tesla shares correct harshly in previous days trading with pre market data indicating a possible continued decline   Disclaimer – This does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation


Electric Dreams

As Tesla’s price drives ever higher what does it tell us about the future of ever the automotive industry globally? Perhaps more importantly does their pricing represent real intrinsic value…
