Proposed Amendments to Form PF

On the 26th January 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to propose amendments to Form PF.

The proposed amendments would apply to large hedge fund advisers, private equity advisers, and large liquidity fund advisers. The proposals are designed to enhance FSOC’s ability to monitor systemic risk, bolster the Commission’s regulatory oversight of private fund advisers, and enhance investor protection efforts.


Japan’s FEFTA Pre-Notification Requirements FAQs

In 2020, Japan tightened foreign investment rules with the amendments to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (FEFTA). When the amendment entered into force on 7th June 2020, it expanded the scope of foreign investment reviews, lowered the threshold for screening the purchase of listed companies’ shares to acquisitions at 1 percent or more, and introduced a new prior notification exemption scheme for share acquisitions.
