Sandbox & Test Portfolios
Sandbox Portfolios

Sandbox Portfolios are asset of Portfolios where data has been provided by Funds-Axis. They can be used to demonstrate the system and different rule sets and to evidence that everything is working correctly. You should NOT amend the holdings or rules applied to these portfolios. For more on Sandbox Portfolios, click here.

To have access to these, a user will need to have access to the User Groups set out at the above link.

You may wish to have an alias user that just has access to these portfolios.

Test Portfolios

You have a set of 9 test portfolios set-up. Their portfolio codes are FAML01, FAML02 etc.

To access these, a user will need to have access to the User Group of “Frontier_AM”

You are able to upload whatever data you wish against these test portfolios, apply any rules you wish any calculate any results.

You should upload data in the format of your standard data files or else use the Funds-Axis standard data mappings.

You can use any security identifier in the system. For cash, margin, forward fx, spot fx, futures and common CDS, please use the standard identifiers already set up by Funds-Axis for these common contracts.

You can upload different data for different dates.

These Test Portfolios are marked as not-billable. Where the portfolios contain new securities, this will lead to additional security data costs.

To erase data simply re-upload files with for example a NAV of zero or a single cash holding of 0.01 etc and then reprocess calcs and rules for affected dates.

You may wish to have an alias user that just has access to these portfolios.