
The list of “Section 13(f) securities” are defined by Rule 13f-1(c) [17 CFR 240.13f-1(c)] and are made available to the public pursuant to Section 13 (f) (3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 [15 USC 78m(f) (3)]. It is made available for use in the preparation of reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 13f-1 [17 CFR 240.13f-1] under Section 13(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. An updated list is published on a quarterly basis.

Below you can find the latest 13F list converted to excel:

Automate 13F Reporting

Translation of the SEC’s 13F PDF list into machine readable format.

Upload of the 13F list and auto-match via Cusip against portfolio holdings.

Performance of all relevant exclusions, calculations and summations.

Auto-population of the 13F Form, including with the official 13F Title of Class.