Canada Disclosures Required During a Takeover

If, after a take-over bid or an issuer bid has been made under Part 2 for voting or equity securities of a reporting issuer and before the expiry of the bid, an acquiror acquires beneficial ownership of, or control or direction over, securities of the class subject to the bid which, when added to the acquiror’s securities of that class, constitute 5% or more of the outstanding securities of that class, the acquiror must, before the opening of trading on the next business day, issue and file a news release containing the information required by below.

An acquiror must issue and file an additional news release in accordance with the below before the opening of trading on the next business day each time the acquiror, or any person acting jointly or in concert with the acquiror, acquires beneficial ownership of, or control or direction over, in aggregate, an additional 2% or more of the outstanding securities of the class of securities that was the subject of the most recent news release required to be filed by the acquiror under this section.

A news release or further news release must set out:

a. the name of the acquiror,

b. the number of securities of the offeree issuer that were beneficially acquired, or over which control or direction was acquired, in the transaction that gave rise to the requirement under subsection (1) or (2) to issue the news release,

c. the number of securities and the percentage of outstanding securities of the offeree issuer that the acquiror and all persons acting jointly or in concert with the acquiror, have beneficial ownership of, or control or direction over, immediately after the acquisition described in paragraph (b),

d. the number of securities of the offeree issuer that were beneficially acquired, or over which control or direction was acquired, by the acquiror and all persons acting jointly or in concert with the acquiror, since the commencement of the bid,

e. the name of the market in which the acquisition described in paragraph (b) took place, and

f. the purpose of the acquiror and all persons acting jointly or in concert with the acquiror in making the acquisition described in paragraph (b), including any intention of the acquiror and all persons acting jointly or in concert with the acquiror to increase the beneficial ownership of, or control or direction over, any of the securities of the offeree issuer.
