
Several regulatory jurisdictions require historical transactions to be disclosed either directly in their standard disclosure form or as an annexure to the standard form.

Examples of rules that require historical Transactions to be uploaded into the system for the disclosures to be generated correctly are:

  • Australia Major Shareholdings
  • Japan Major Shareholdings
  • Korea Major Shareholdings
  • Philippines Major Shareholdings (Form 18A, 23A, 23B)
  • Singapore Major Shareholdings
  • Thailand Major Shareholdings
  • Turkey Major Shareholdings
  • France Takeover Dealings
  • Hong Kong Takeover Dealings
  • UK Takeover Dealings
  • Ireland Takeover Dealings

The below sample transaction file provides an example of the file format and the fields necessary within the transactions file:

File Column Details
Column NameDescription
SchemeIDID of the scheme
Trade_DateDate the trade was executed
Settle_DateDate of the settlement
TransactionTypeSee below for possible types
Product_IDID of the product
ISINISIN identifier
CUSIPCUSIP identifier
PricePrice transaction was executed at
QuantityQuantity purchased/sold
Pricing_CCYCurrency of price
Exchange_RatePrice exchange rate
Examples of Transaction Types
BuyA standard purchase / buy transaction
SellA standard sale /sell transaction
CorporateActionThe issue of bonus shares, stock splits - everything related to actions taken by the issuer
ExpiryThe expiry of a derivative contract
ExerciseThe exercise of an option, future etc.
AdjustmentInternal transfer of Assets
MaturityThe maturity of a convertible bond, for example
TakeOnAsset resulting from a new account being opened
WithdrawalAsset withdrawn due to an account being closed