Swedish major shareholding notifications are submitted via Finansinspektionen’s Reporting Portal. To log in, you must first register as a user, see The Reporting Portal. Foreign users (without Swedish e-identification) register an account and log in with email address + SMS verification.

The notification obligation applies when shareholders acquire or dispose of shares in a listed company and thereby reach, exceed or fall below the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 66 2/3 and 90 per cent thresholds for voting rights or number of shares in the company.

You can log into the portal via the following URL: https://www.fi.se/en/reporting/reporting-portal/#id-541568.

The following is a high-level overview of how to make submissions through the Finansinspektionen portal for Swedish major shareholding disclosures.

The hard copy form for major shareholding notifications is available via the following URL: https://www.fi.se/en/reporting/reporting-portal/#id-541568.

Step 1: Select “Notification of acquisition or disposal of financial instruments”

Step 2: Enter investor details and click save. NB. Highlighted yellow are the mandatory fields.

Step 3: Select the issuer name.

Step 4: Enter the following information regarding the holdings:

NB. The % held must match the denominator held within the system, otherwise you will receive an invalid message.

Step 5: Enter any proxy voting details. If N/A, click “NEXT”.

Step 6: Enter total group holdings

Step 7: Review details of submission, click “yes” and enter email address for email receipt.