
In December 2021, the FCA published its final requirements for a climate-related financial disclosure regime for asset managers (as well as life insurers and FCA-regulated pension providers).

As expected, the FCA’s new rules follow the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

The FCA’s Policy Statement (PS21/24) and the new FCA ESG sourcebook sets out the recommended disclosures.


The asset managers in scope cover investment portfolio managers, UK UCITS, management companies, full-scope UK AIFMs and small authorised UK AIFMs.

There is an exemption for asset managers with AUM less than £5bn.

The Product scope includes authorised funds, unauthorised AIFs and portfolio management services.

Key Dates

The rules first apply to the largest asset managers from 1 January 2022. The application is deferred until 1 January 2023 for asset managers with assets under management less than £50 billion.


The Disclosures include disclosures both at entity (authorised fund manager level) and product/fund level.

These disclosures will need to be published on the company website and other appropriate client communications. The Disclosure Requirements (SDR) which are expected to be published in 2023.

Product Disclosures

Product Disclosures will include an annual set of climate-related disclosures to be published by 30 June each year. These must be published in a prominent place on the firm’s website and included or cross-referenced in appropriate client communications.

There is also a requirement for data to be provided in a reasonable format, considering the needs of clients. This is likely to result in the development of a standardised template, along the lines of the EMT.

The contents include:

  • A set of climate related disclosures relating to the product, comprising of a core set of climate related metrics (scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions; total carbon emissions; total carbon footprint; and weighted average carbon intensity);
  • Relevant information on how the metrics are interpreted and associated limitations
  • Historical annual calculations of the metrics; and
  • Disclosures under the TCFD’s Governance, Strategy and Risk Management recommendations
  • Additional information where the product has concentrated or high exposures to carbon-intensive sectors including qualitative and quantitative analysis of future climate change scenarios.
  • As far as reasonably practicable, calculations on climate value-at-risk metrics that show the climate warming scenario with which a TCFD product is aligned.
Product Labelling

The FCA’s proposal is for 5 categorisations of Products:

These, and how they may be expected to overlap wit SFDR classifications are summarised below:

SFDR Classification
Not promoted as sustainableFunds which are not promoted as sustainableArticle 6
Funds which might be classified as "responsible"May have some sustainable investmentsArticle 8
Sustainable fundsTransitioningProducts with sustainable characteristics, themes or objectives; low allocation to taxonomy – aligned sustainable activitiesArticle 8
AlignedProducts with sustainable characteristics, themes or objectives; high allocation to taxonomy – aligned sustainable activitiesArticle 9
ImpactProjects objective of delivering positive environmental or social impact.Article 9

The differentiator between aligned and transitioning would be the proportion of assets considered sustainable.