Shareclass prices, values and dividends are used throughout most of our modules. Specific examples would include:

  • NAV Oversight Module
  • Risk calcs, including Gross and Net Returns and other statistical calculations
  • UCITS KIID – SRRI, Performance and Cost calculations
  • PRIIPs KID – SRI, Performance Scenario and Cost calculations

Alternatively, rather than providing shareclass prices and Funds-Axis calculating returns, you can also provide us directly with you own calculations of the returns. For this, please see Portfolio Summaries data requirements.

File Format
File TypeFile Requirements
Shareclass Prices, Values and Dividends Templates

- Shareclass Prices NAV Values and Dividends Master Template

This template can be used to provide both backfill and ongoing data to us for use in your calculations. Alternatively, we may be able to map to a machine readable administrator file. Please note that the first template above may also be used to provide raw benchmark values.
Portfolio NAV Values Template

This file format is used to provide Portfolio NAV Values to us for use in your calculations. Alternatively, we may be able to map to a machine readable administrator file.